Alcohol- drinking & peer pressure....?!

Question: Alcohol- drinking & peer pressure!.!.!.!.!?
When did you start drinking!? Why is it a lot of people have the opinion that you cant have fun without drinking!.!.!. and some even think you cant have fun without getting drunk!?

Just curious, as I dont get itWww@FoodAQ@Com

I am 17 years old and am proud to say I do NOT drink!. I think it is pointless and people who try to look cool and drink are seriously mistaken!. Its not a cool thing to do and its so totally not healthy!. Its horrible and no point to it!. I want someone to give me a GOOD reason for why to drink!. Not cuz it lets you get loose and have fun thats not a good reason thats a lame one and if someone tells you that they have just proven their immaturity and that they need alcohol to live their lives!. Its a horrible habit and I wont ever get into drinking a lot of it!. I am not saying when i turn 21 I wont drink, but I will NOT drink so much that I am addicted!. Please do not start drinking it is bad and if your friends try to pressure you into it you need to rethink your friends!. If they are really your friends they would respect your decision and know that there are many people, like me, who are against underage drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i first properly drunk (anything more than a sip) when i was 18 (like 4 months ago), that was the first out of 2 times ive been drunk, since the second time (about 3 months ago) ive drunk nothing!. To me i dont get the whole "being drunk is fun" its easy enough to have fun without losing self control!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm 15 and don't drink!.
I really don't think its all that vital to good time with my friends!.
I do have friends who drink and play around with recreational drugs, but i don't get it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I started drinking when I was 17!. (Age limit thing is 18 here)!.

I don't drink that much at all, maybe once a month at most and I don't get drunk!.

My brother on the other hand drinks every weekend, gets absolutely drunk and can't remember most of his weekend!. He is of the opinion that you can't have fun without getting drunk!. He also says 'what's the point in drinking if you don't get drunk!?'!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

started at 18 stopped at 27 , have loads of fun without alcoholWww@FoodAQ@Com

When I was 12, when me and my friend stole Smirnoff Ice from Sainsbury's!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am 20 now and i rarely ever drink!.!. unless you are extremely boring i dont think it is necessary to be drunk to have fun!.!. but thats just me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sure yes drinking will help to make a party more fun and enjoyable but those effects only last for so long!.!.!. sure just look at me Drink Drink Drink

Girls Girls

Nuns nuns reverse reverse

I love my brick

Then you end up on toilet duck and furniture polish ect ectWww@FoodAQ@Com

got drunk the first time when i was 15!. i usually was the DD though!. i could have fun and not drink!.!.!. you're rarely the one people make fun of the next day that way!.!.!. people who think you can't have fun without drinking are just dumb!.!.!. i drink regulartly now, mid 20's, but i don't go out and get drunk!. 2-3 beers or a couple of glasses of wine at a social gathering is just for enjoyment!. i work in healthcare, and when i'm on call, i have no problem meeting friends somewhere and not drinking!. i still have fun!. it's just a stage in life!. some people stay in it much longer than others, but hopefully they'll grow out of the we must get f'd up to have fun!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I started when I was overseas when I was about 19!. After that I knew how to handle myself so I kept drinking occasionally with friends and inside a house!. You can have fun without drinking!. My friends had a blast going to a bar for karaoke while only drinking water (we were poor), but you can also have fun having a drink or two!. I'm not into getting smashed anymore, but I do like to have a little drink now then!. It depends on the person and how that person likes to have fun!. It's just really important to use your brain when drinking and plan a ride ahead of time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I drank in high school!.!.don't think it was peer pressure,I was just stupid that way!.
Later I quit,and after my divorce I started again!.
Alcohol has a way of jumping up and biting you in the a$$ when you least expect it!.
I advice anyone to use caution with alcohol!.In my opinion it's more addictive than pot,which unfortunately I don't like!.!.!.lol!.
I'm sober now-You can have plenty of fun w/o drinking,and chances are a longer and happier life!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In terms of drinking that wasn't the odd sip of wine at family Christmasses, I probably had my first few drinks when I was about 17 - but I wasn't particularly interested!. I didn't go out and get drunk at all until I went to Uni!.

I didn't drink because I felt pressured, I just enjoyed it!.

I remember looking forward to getting drunk at Uni!. Sometimes I would be happy to have one or two drinks - other times, I went out knowing that I wanted to feel reasonably drunk!. But I never liked the feeling of being absolutely hammered!. I know my limits and luckily my best friend had roughly the same limit!. I like to be drunk to the point of having fun - but not to the point of feeling sick, dizzy or slurring my speech!. It's just not fun, in my opinion!. I definitely don't go out thinking 'I want to drink as much as humanly possible tonight!.'

Now I'm 23 and graduated last year!. I'm really not that bothered about drinking!. I've been out sober before and have had a great time!. If I'm at a club, I might have a few drinks - but I have noticed that I drink way less than everyone else around me!. Maybe my limits are lower than theirs!

I know what you mean about being confused that other people seem to feel a strong need to drink when they go out!. Unfortunately the best friend that I mentioned before dumped her boyfriend of 6 years about 7months ago - since then, she's being going mental every weekend with her flatmate (who can drink like a man)!. I think the drink helps her to feel confident and to block things out!. Unfortunately, she's been offensive and done some stupid things when she's been drunk, so I'm just hoping she calms it down soon!.

I really don't see the point in drinking that much and I'd happily go out and not get drunk!.

xx EmmieWww@FoodAQ@Com

started drinking at 17 (under age) basicly just to get drunk then started going to bars and drank all the way through college!. but now 27 i drink every once in awhile on the weekends i have fun with are without but getting to the point were really drunk and hang over no fun at all just social is okay for me knowWww@FoodAQ@Com

I first got drunk a little before my 21st birthday!. I never once drank in high school and never really understood peer pressure in regards to such things!. My friends who were drinking/ smoking/ etc!. didn't really seem like they were having much fun!. Honestly, I have more trouble avoiding alcohol and pressure to drink as an adult!. My job requires a lot of networking, many of my friends enjoy bar culture and spending time with them often means being in a situation where people are drinking heavily and since I am legal the opportunity to order a drink always exists!. I enjoy wine, beer and some liquor; however, I find that once I am drunk I actually stop having fun!. Sometimes it is nice to have a couple of drinks to loosen up or enhance a meal, but I have never understood people who have more fun when they are plastered!. I just become a person I don't like very much when I overdo it!. My suggestion is to stop being curious!. If you don't enjoy it- good for you!. Don't ever try to enjoy it!. It's really not worth it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dont listen or give in to your peers,do whats right and you wont get into trouble!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i started drinking @13 & drank for 30 years!.i stopped nearly 5 years ago with the help of prayer & help from the Lord!.it was a good job that i stopped, as i have spent the last 26 months recovering from cardio & neurological illness!.i wouldn't have made it if i was still drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am English and it was encouraged by my family (dad mostly) to drink, as it makes a man of you!. (I'm in my 40;s) Little was known about the dangers of drinking and it certainly was not publicised!. Smoking was also encouraged!. I neither drink nor smoke now!. Alcohol is a silent killer and binge drinking can kill or damage you mentally!. Just be sensible if you do drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I started drinking at 16 spent alot of time floating though life until I was 19 (drinking and partying) I stopped drinking after 19, silly as it sounds!. I just didn't see the effing point!. All the people I was friends with just wanted to drink and party, it was all so pointless!. I spent a couple of days in de-tox after after a particularly hard night of partying, that's what really woke me up,!. I really don't drink at all now!. Maybe once a year if that much at all!. I am 27 now and in the last 8 years I only drink socially on special occasions with people I trust!. The people, that think you cannot have fun without drinking, grew up without playing board games!.!.(that was a joke)!. Alot of people with that mind set, have issues with alcohol!. I know this from personal experience!. Both my in-laws are alcoholics, as well as my brother!. Never let these people bring you down, if you don't want to drink don't and don't EVER let anyone pressure you to have a drink!. All you have to say is "who else is going to drive your drunk butt home"!? I was never a fuddy-duddy or a party pooper either, if my friends or family wanted to go out and drink I would occasionally join them, and always be the "DD"!. If you all out don't feel comfortable with drinking or people that are drinking just remove or excuse your self from the situation!. If your friends and family come down on you, they don't deserve you!.
My friends and family never bother me for not drinking, they know my take on it and why!. As long as my position has been made clear, there is nothing to argue about, and no issues to push!. I like me, I think I am fun!.!.!.!.!.!.alcohol not included!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i was 14 when i started drinking but im not stupid, i dont be gettin drunk + lookin stupid!.!.!.cuz nobody is really ever looking out for you!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

when i was 17/cause u cant/and seriously,u cant!.those who think opposite are just *******Www@FoodAQ@Com

Started drinking at 13!. parents would allow me to drink bottles of homemade wine a t home!. Lost 2 years of my life through drink between the age of 18-20!.
I do find it hard to have fun without drinking!. The reason being that i have absolutely no confidence without it!. If you can socialise and have fun without it, then that's definitely the best way, and saves a hell of a lot of money, embarrassment and broken relationships and bones too!Www@FoodAQ@Com

In my experiences and just plain observations, the people who think they can't have fun w/o drinking or being drunk either have a drinking problem or are just trying to be cool or fit in!.

I first got drunk when I was 14 (I'm 15 1/2 now) and I've only been drunk 3 or 4 times!. I think it's really fun but I know I can have a lot more fun without being drunk!. I don't even like the taste of alcohol, unless it's mixed with juice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I started drinking at 14 and stopped at 30, I don't drink to have a good time!. xWww@FoodAQ@Com

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