Alchohol poisoning?!

Question: Alchohol poisoning!?
I had about 4 or 5 shots of Bacardi(watermelon), 3 shots of Hypnotiq n 2 Smirnoff Ice[2-5%] in a 1hr 1/2 period of time!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Im a small girl(110lbs!.) i didnt eat much before!.!.!.I was fine for about 2hrs!. then HELL began!. I puked [but i was like o well it happens]
i keept puking n puking n puking!.!.!.!.!.
i fell asleep then woke up puked more!.!.!.!.n more
my boyfriend tryed to give me crakers!.!.!.!.i puked them, Gatorade!.!.puked it, water!.!.puked it!.!.!.
so I fell asleep in my car because i didn't wanna drive [no drinking n driving] woke up almost 3hr!. later kept puking!.!.!.I came home!.!.!.!.puked more!.!.!.!.!.fell asleep for about 3hr wokeup n puked more,drank water!.!.!.puked it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I was puking for about 9-10 hours my mom worried so she made me eat crakers,this time I kept it down!.!.!.I WAS really cold n i dont know if it was alcohol poisoning!?but now i keep burping&hiccuping&yawlning n it hurts at the top of my collar,i kept punking just liquid & twoard the end bits of blood!. Whats wrong!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yup, that'd be alcohol poisioning!.

I've had that and known people who've had it, but you'll live!.

Although the correct thing to do would have been a trip to the ER for a good ol stomach pump!. Too late for that now, but you probably should go see a doctor!.!.!. hopefully you didn't develop an ulcer!. That can happen sometimes!.

I hope it's a lesson learned for ya!.!.!. sometimes the hard way is the only way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If its the first time and you dont make a habit of this, I would call it withdrawl with anxiety!. Please don't do this to yourself!. You need to rehydrate and rest then eat when you are ready!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

your lucky you werent in a coma from alcohol poisoningWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, sounds like alcohol poisoning!.!.!.I had it before too!. Your lucky tho I was rushed in an ambulance to the hospital with 2 IVs in me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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