UUuUghhh!! Help alcohol help?!


UUuUghhh!! Help alcohol help?

well this weekend is prom and my mom HIGHLY suspects that i drink. i am going to a few parties and i know im gonna wind up drinking. and prolly get caught.

question how many of u have ever been caught and what happened ? im 15

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2 months ago
dude like a month ago i got brought in for curfew and i was LIT as a muthafucka and she didnt even know lol!!!

oh and im not graduating im a sophmore just going to the parties :D

and i usually stay by friends house there the reason she suspects i drink lol

2 months ago
and ugh this aint my first time drinking LOL i know about dying from alcohol poisoning i know how to drink :D

2 months ago
dude like a month ago i got brought in for curfew and i was LIT as a muthafucka and she didnt even know lol!!!

oh and im not graduating im a sophmore just going to the parties :D

and i usually stay by friends house there the reason she suspects i drink lol

2 months ago
and ugh this aint my first time drinking LOL i know about dying from alcohol poisoning i know how to drink :D

My mom used to have a simple cure for that; send me out with Dad the next morning to cut firewood. Imagine a chainsaw going full bore next to your already pounding head. It was either that or she'd haul us off to church if it was Sunday morning. We didn't exactly learn our lesson, but we sure have some stories. LOL

Just stay at your friends house, pitch a tent and pretend you're 'camping' if weather permits.

well, to tell you the truth, if your mom suspects that you might be drinking, you should just stay away from the booze. I mean, you might be going to a party, but you can have a good time even withotu alcohol. If you have never had alcohol, be careful that you dont drink too much, as it is easy to over-drink and noit know it. keep to soft stuff, beer, etc. You really should not be drinking at age 15 anyway, but if you are goign to drink, i suppose no one can stop you. just be careful and respect yourself.


I was in the bathroom throwing my guts up, and she wouldn't even get me a wet towel.

Needless to say, I was grounded for what felt like forever.

My suggestion; stay at a friends house the their parents won't tell on you....:)

Good luck and congrats on graduation.

been caught doing worse believe me, but just dont go home until the next day... youll be all set.

Depends on your mom. A lot of times kids lose their parent's trust and have a hard time going out afterward without their parent's suspecting anything. You'll get grounded or on restriction, whatever happens normally. But if your parent's are real sticklers, they might try to find out where you were and where you got it and try to get the person who supplied it in trouble. Like if you were getting it from someone's parent's, they may try to get them in trouble for supplying to minors. I always made sure I wasn't coming home the same night I went out drinking. I always spent the night wherever I was, or came home after my parent's had gone to sleep, that way there is no way to get caught.

Take it easy. People actually die from alcohol poisoning. Make sure to eat through out the night and drink non-alcoholic beverages as well.

dont want to get caught ?....... rember vodka has know smell not in a cup and not on your breath EVERYTHING else does trust me wiskey and beer and wine realy do wiskey realy realy does

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