How much jagermeister will get me drunk?!


How much jagermeister will get me drunk?

I am a female and 120 lbs.

Hard to say. Shots? How fast are you going to drink them?

Some girls are super lightweights, and then there are some that can drink you under the table.

2 shots should do it...fix ya right up and if that doesn't work, have 3!!!! Personally, getting drunk is not very healthy for a young girl to do to herself. Have any other healthy hobbies?

A few shots unless you're a heavy hitter.

From your series of questions it sounds like you are tyeing one on pretty hard. Maybe go easy on the sauce.

well now, since you are asking i'm going to assume you don't drink often and, therefore, probably have a low tolerance. not much. just be aware that you also don't know how your body handles alcohol - you may be a very unhappy kid in the morning!

Depending on if you want to be legally drunk like a drunk driver.. Or you cant feel youre legs drunk. Id say 4-8 shots.

Please repost and let us know how your night with Mr. Jager goes! And yes I said "Mr." Jager... Those of us who have had run-ins with it, now respect it!

I say three shots and you are toast!

Jagermeister is really just NyQuil in a really big bottle at a much higher price. Why don't you just go and get a big bottle of NyQuil and call it good? If you want to drink something that will not only get you drunk, but also tastes good, my suggestion is to walk into your local bar, immediately order a shot of Whiskey-Jim Beam, Maker's Mark, etc.(Do NOT order Bushmills or any of the extremely fine Irish whiskeys if you are going to do shots. That whiskey must be reserved for sipping purposes, much as you would drink a fine wine.) And at the same time, order the largest sized Shiner Bock that they will bring to you. While you are drinking your yummy beer, you can do at least four shots, and by the time your order your second beer, you should be pretty toasted. Acceptable alternatives to Shiner include Newcastle and Guinness, but I don't really recommend mixing the whiskey with the Guinness. This can have disastrous consequences. If you do Jager bombs or just shots of Jager, you're really just following the trendy thing, aren't you? Do you REALLY like the taste of that crap? Of COURSE NOT!!! So order whiskey, which tastes good, and you can be just as drunk, but look way more cool, because you're not doing the same thing every other bubble-headed chick in the bar is doing. This actually makes men respect you, especially since most of them are incapable of doing a shot of whiskey without making a face like someone just stuck a hot poker up their ***. Oh, yes-it's always best to keep your facial expressions carefully blank while downing any shot. Practice at home if you have to.

that stuff is nasty. id say 3 shots straight in a row then wait about 20'll hit you nicely.

Jager? REALLY? C'mon, you're really drinking that because someone else you LIKE drinks it, right? Do you really like the taste of it? NNNOOOOO! You don't! NOBODY likes the taste of 60 proof cough syrup and sassafrass extract. I'll bet you were tickled shitless when Zima first came out. WEREN'T YOU? And now that this is the drink of the month, you're all about it. Next, its Hypnotiq or Alazee. Rotgut **** that the masses buy,so the sheep demand,and companies produce. For fuckheads like YOU and all your sorority sister, carpet-munching friends. Jager blows

jager is so out! You wanna do a great shot! uv blue and redbull! (a.k.a. kriponite) Or a pom-bomb! pomogranate redbull! or a DR.DR. Cherry doctors and dr pepper YUM

stay away from jager thats what i drink and trust me when I say it will sneek up on you and you will black out...dont do more then 4 shots in two hours

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