When I shake a martini, sometimes the glass sticks to the mixer. Is there a trick to separate the glass?!

Question: When I shake a martini, sometimes the glass sticks to the mixer!. Is there a trick to separate the glass!?
The suction that is created between the glass and the mixer is so strong sometimes, that I have to separate them by crashing the mixer on the edge of the counter!. How can other people separate their glass so easy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Be careful when you insert the glass into the shaker!.!.!.!.if you insert it crooked, it will get stuck often!. If you insert it straight, it will usually not get stuck!. If it does get stuck, usually using your palm to hit the shaker will loosen it up!. I would avoid smacking it on a counter as the glass could break!. Broken glass at a bar is a bad thing, it could get into everything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

let your hand rest on the metal edge and the metal will warm and expand!.
then wiggle,and or tap the side that is most angled,that will break the sealWww@FoodAQ@Com

you could switch to a cobbler-style shaker like this one


twist, knock or a little warm water on the metal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i use a plastic tumbler!. just squeeze it a little and they come apart no problem!. and it is a little less messy, if you strain with the tumbler also!. think I'll have one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you hit the shaker and glass part where they are suctioned at, and you hit it softly with the palm of your hand, in one motion you should do it, but don't hit it too hard or you can break the glassWww@FoodAQ@Com

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