What are the benefits of drinking alcohol?!

Question: What are the benefits of drinking alcohol!?
Hi!. What are the benefits of drinking alcohol!?

*Don't say "It's fun!." or anything like that!.
What are REAL benefits from it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Red wines have antioxidants in them!. Research is beginning to show that drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine daily can help to reduce the risk of certain cancer!. Excessive drinking does not have any benefits!.!.!.!.it causes liver cirrhosis, damage to your social life, trouble with the law, increases the possibility of making unsafe or regretable decisions, and usually causes gain in weight d/t the high calorie content in alcohol and we all know that being overweight leads to a whole other group of health problems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The benefits of drinking in a mature manner is that it provides a social lubricant!. This means that you loosen up and can chat casually with less social stress and less stress from other factors!. Its a great way to relax after a long day too!. I love to have a drink when I get home after a long day while im cooking!. it helps me unwind!. 1 drink per day is supposed to be good for your heart as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Beer is healthier overall than fruit juice, milk, water, and of course soda!. Here is some evidence:
First off, drinking every day is fine, in moderation!.
I drink at least 2 beers every day!. I love the taste, and it's good for me!.
Wine is good!. Some hard spirits are good!. Better beer is good!. (This doesn't mean American Lite beer-swill)!.
The recommended daily allowance for alcohol is 2-3 drinks for men, 1-2 drinks for women!. Any scientific study on the matter shows that drinking alcohol every day in moderation is better than not drinking at all!. Obviously binge drinking is harmful, but that's not what we're talking about!.
Interestingly enough, beer is actually better for you than wine!. Here are just a few reasons why!.!.!.
1) Darker-colored beers contain just as many antioxidants as red wine, but those contained in the beer are less complex and more easily broken down by the body!.!.!. therefore beer is better, as far as antioxidants are concerned!.
2) Milk Stouts and Cream Stouts and some other stouts contain Lactic Acid!. Doctors often recommend small amounts of these beers to nursing mothers to increase lactation!.
3) Hoppy beer has been linked to stimulation of certain brain cells, resulting in improved short-term memory (in moderate amounts)!. Hops, in general (as in all beers) stimulate brain function!.
4) Certain beers are known to improve blood circulation and heart health!. Alcohol, in general, is a blood thinner, so all types of alcohol, in moderate amounts, will prevent clotting!.
5) Malty beers are good for the complexion and the hair!.
6) Hop oils have a natural antibiotic!.
7) Stouts (like Guinness) tend to be high in iron and are recommended by Doctors for blood donors and nursing mothers as a good source for replacement!.
8) Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins
9) A 2005 Japanese study showed that low ABV beer helps to prevent cancer!. (More recent studies by other medical groups support this, although I can't seem to find them at this time!.)
Drinking anything in excess is dangerous!. Actually, as far as the caloric content goes, a pint of good beer has fewer calories than an equal serving of orange juice, milk, soda, or any ready-to-drink juice!. also, the sugar content is MUCH lower than soda, since the sugars in beer are converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide during fermentation; therefore, beer is not detrimental to dental health in the way that soda and juice are!.

Not to mention it ties us into our history!. Beer in particular is intrinsically linked to the creation of modern civilization, and it's fascinating to learn how history has evolved, simply through a pint or two!.
It's also a great way to learn about and understand other cultures!.
It inspires comraderie!.!.!. pub culture!.!. craic`!.!.!. what ever you want to call it!.
It's delicious!.!.!. if you're drinking good stuff!.
It enhances the right kind of food, and vice versa!.
Plus, it contributes positively to the economy, considering all of us fools emplyed in the beer business, etc!.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the information I gave has been substantiated numerous times by anyone with ahy sense in the scientific community!.
Beer is 100% natural (except for some of the large macro-brews that contain preservatives!.!.!. craft beer does not)!.
Beer also naturally contains many many vitamins and minerals the body needs to survive!.
I should have specified that raw fruit juice is quite healthy, though contains nowhere near the amount of healhful ingredients that beer does!. Processed fruit juice (ie, everything you buy in the supermarket) is fortified (when chemical agents are used to deliver unnaturally occurring nutrients into a product) and chock full of unnatural preservatives and sugars!. RTD juices such as those at 7-11, etc, contain little more than 10% juice - the rest is chemicals, fake sugars, etc!.
Milk is healthy, but unless you buy organic milk, you are also sucking down pesticides, growth hormones (linked to autism), and many bacteria the human body cannot break down!.
Water is healthy, but the only really true healthy water is the "bottled at the source" spring water, as all kinds of "helpful" chemicals are added to tap water, not to mention all the contaminants from industry and agricultural runoff!. That being said, water is not necessarily unhealthy - but it provides no health benefits other than hydration!.
Soda is almost 100% artificial!. Look at the list of ingredients!. You can't even pronounce many of the chemicals added!. Not to mention the insane amount of sugars and artificial sweeteners!. Soda is the absolute WORST thing you can drink!.
I don't mean to be rude, but laugh all you want!.!.!. I've done enough research over the years to know my facts!.
(10 yrs in the beer business!.!.!. soft drink business prior to that!.)

(EDIT #2)
Okay, now it makes sense!.!.!. I see you're a teenager which means your DARE education is still fresh in mind!. Keep it in mind that not everything you learn in school is true!.!.!. It's kinda like the New York Times: take it as a guideline and do your own research!.!.!. then you'll see how many lies and un-truths there are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If what JP wrote is wrong, then please explain the following my friend!.

Studies show that people who drink in moderation have an average life span that is longer then those that do not drink at all!. Ohh and one thing JP forgot to mention!. Alcohol helps to kill harmful bacteria found in foods!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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