What would you replace Barley with? (10 points available)?!

Question: What would you replace Barley with!? (10 points available)!?
I want to replace Barley as the malting ingredient in beer!.
What starch source would you use!?
(It should be cheaper than Barley)Www@FoodAQ@Com

potato has been used in beer and works pretty nice , otherwise beets could also be used!.

I know i've had some interesting beet wine in my day!.

Not sure how much complex fermentables you would get out of beets or rhubaarb!.!.!.but could use it in some amount!.

But you can always use some typical grains to get the mouthfeel, head retention, and body how you'd like!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If it has no barley, it isn't beer!. You can, however, replace some of the barley with wheat!. If you don't mind making a beer that tastes like a mega-brew, you can add rice or maize!. Those are a lot cheaper than barley, which is why they are used!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Contrary to popular belief, not every wort/beer contains barley!. Try replacing the barly with whole oats!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The main problem with brewing grains is that the "need" for biofuels is not only cutting into the barley supply, but also oats, corn, and most of all wheat!.
To replace 100% of the barley with another substance while still retaining some economical sense, you'd have to look to wild grains and grasses - particularly in Africa!. Sorghum is used quite often to brew in Africa, and has recently taken off as a substitute for grains to produce Gluten-Free beers for those with Celiac disease!. If done properly, the sorghum-based beers can actually taste not too bad!. Americans haven't perfected this yet, but it can be done!.
And beer CAN be made without barley and still be called beer!. The definition of beer is a fermented beverage made from cereal grains, often spiced with a bittering agent!.
Good luck and cheers!.

btw - most US beers are the best in the world!.!.!. if you look to the micro/craft beer industry!. Of course the macros are gross, but so are the import macros like Heineken, Bass, Corona, Beck's, etc!.

Traditionally, beer has only four ingredients, water, malted barley, hops and yeast!.!.!.at least in Germany following the Reinheitsgebot!. However, most any grain can be malted to make beer!. Malted rye and malted wheat are readily available for maltsters for use in beer!. I've made a beer with 100% malted corn! Malted corn can be used to make a beverage called chicha in south america!.

While corn prices are rising, I'm certain a bushel of corn is cheaper than a bushel of malt!. My recommendation would be to try malted corn if the sole motivation is to cut costs!.

Another alternative is to use amylase enzyme(s) from an enzyme manufacturer and use a variety of unmalted grains!. That may be the cheapest route to make beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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