Why is it that I find alcohol to be repulsive?!

Question: Why is it that I find alcohol to be repulsive!?
My friends always drink cabernet sauvignon at formal occasions, but every time I try it again I think it tastes disgusting!. Even beer I find to be very hard to drink!. Why is it that I dislike it so much, but my friends seem to enjoy it just fine!? Does it take time to develop a liking to it, or what!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you don't care for it, don't force the issue!. Some people just never develop a desire or taste for alcohol!.

Admittedly however, the two that you're using as examples are a bit rougher on the palate!. If you want to give it a try on your own, start with something light & sweet!.!.!.!.Reisling for example, or a cider (pear is tasty)!. Or you can go for mixed drinks!.!.!.a classic is the screwdriver!.!.!.OJ and vodka!.!.!.VERY easy to drink!.

The finer, heavier, stronger-flavored stuff may take time to develop an affinity for!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it does take time, some people don't have a taste for it!. hey you can drive your friends around when they drink, thoughWww@FoodAQ@Com

Some people just don't like the taste of alcohol!. My mother would be one of them!. She had a sip of beer when she was 22, and hasn't had a sip of alcohol since!. In fact, she is so sensitive to the taste of alcohol, she can detect it in almost anything!. I don't think it's a bad thing to islike the taste of alcohol!. Lots of people get into trouble when they drink!. That is something you will never have to worry about!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Beer isn't the best thing to start out on!. It's an acquired taste!. Try mixed drinks if you want to try different things out!. Wine isn't the best either!. Even with its low alcohol content it can have a bitter taste!.

Try a wine cooler or a pre-mixed drink that come in a six pack!. Those usually have fruity tastes without the bitterness of beer and wine!. These are just suggestions!. You don't have to drink!. My b-i-l can't really handle the taste of alcohol either!. So don't feel too bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Everyone finds something unpalitable!. Lots of people hate coffee---which is incomprehensible to me!. Some love liver---also incomprehensible from my point of view!.

If you don't like their brand of wine, go to a wine tasting and find out what you do like!. There are many types/brands of wine and I am sure you will find something that agrees with you!. If not, have a coke while everyone else partakes!. You won't stop gropwing as a person just because you don't drink wine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It took me a while to develop a taste for beer!. But, if you don't like it, don't force yourself to drink!. Find some thing that you enjoy!. Everyone is different!. It's like mushrooms - some people love them, some people hate them!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because your a nerd!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

try some flavored rum, like Bacardi O or Bacardi Limon!.!.!. it actually tastes good (i'm the same way)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not everyone likes alcohol!. Any alcohol!. It sometimes takes time to develop a taste for it!.

If you never develop a taste for alcohol, that's fine!. You'll be healthier in the long run!. Alcohol isn't good for you, no matter your age!.

Cabernet is a tough wine to drink straight off!. It's dry and reminds many people of vinegar, when they first try it!. If you want to try and drink wine, go for something a little sweeter!.

You'd be best served by finding a wine shop that gives samples, or a winery near to you!. Explain to them that you're not a wine drinker, but would like to try and find something that you can enjoy, while your friends are enjoying their cab or beer!.

Often times, the vintner will explain the process to you, and maybe take you on a tour of the winery!. Even if you don't like wine, the process of making it, sure is neat!.

By sampling different varieties, you stand a chance of finding exactly what pleases your taste buds!. You may start off with a really sweet wine, but eventually, you'll gain an appreciation of the dry wines!.

It also doesn't really matter if you start with white wines or red wines!. They both have some of the same characteristics, and the range from sweet to dry is pretty much the same!. The biggest difference is the fact that the reds are fermented with the skins, to help it become the rich red color it is!. also reds have tannins, which some people have a problem with!.

Good luck!. Wine was made to be enjoyed, and good wine was made to be shared!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't like to drink buttermilk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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