Is it safe to drink the water from the bowl of a flushed toilet ?!


Is it safe to drink the water from the bowl of a flushed toilet ?

Puleaseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... What sort of a bloke are you to even think of asking that?

I don't know but my dog does it all the time and she seems fine

yuk..well if your body can take pee crap and bleach and limescale then sure!

have a try and let us all know

Yes, but why the heck would you want to?

Flush it a few times to get the old stuff out of the tank, but sure, it's the same well water that you drink from using the sink faucet. Just ummm, make sure your toilet is sparkling clean first.

Not really as bacteria are still present in the bowl, even after flushing. It's safer to drink from the tank but not recommended.

If you want to get botulism and whatever other nasty germs are lurking down there,remember domestous only kills 99% of all germs.

We bother flushing, drink it with stuff in. More flavours. yummmm

do you not have taps in your place???????? i can send you a bottle of water if you would prefer....................

let me ask my rat .......hmmmmm........can't see him anywhere around here.must be in there right now.

Just make sure there aren't skid marks left from the poop that was in there before...then you'll be fine.

You have water restriction where you are or something? Just curious...

obviously it isn't safe! What are you thinking? We all know what toilets are for or maybe you don't know? Toilets are used for pissing and pooping and you think of drinking the water of that? Even if its flushed, there are still bacterias left.. so NO its not safe!!!!!!!!

I certainly wouldn't recommend it. There is bound to be all sorts of bacteria clinging to the sides. WHY would you want to anyway???

Why would you even want to, saying that my dad always says 'your going to eat at least a fist full of dirt a year so why not do it while having fun. So if that is what you want to do so be it.

Course it is mate - you go for it!
(You'll have to be quick though - before your care assistant comes back.)

I wouldnt think so as its chemically treated water - well it is if you use blue loo in your cistern!

Sure it is, just use a long straw to get RIGHT into the grottiest bits

it is the purest form of water available to mankind all over world and is conveniently available ....and make the person immortal.....

no, becasue it will still have bad bacteria in it

Old Blue hasn't a clue,
$hit and piss
I'd give it a miss
It could have blue
and E-Coli too
better by far
to drink from a jar
Whisky and a little wata'

yes, it is actually cleaner then a shopping cart handle

No way.

My dog preferred it to the water in its bowl. Never tried it myself, but it didn't seem to bother the dog.

A toilet that gets cleaned regularly is probably not the healthiest thing, but also probably isn't the most dangerous thing either; not necessarily worse than a dirty sink or a really dirty glass.

There have been all these studies that have shown that the toilet is almost always cleaner than things around it that may get regularly overlooked at cleaning time: the paper dispenser, the light switch, the door knob, or whatever else is within the six foot spray plume from the toilet like a glass, a towel, or especially a toothbrush, etc... just to name a few.

Also the water itself in a toilet is almost always from a drinkable clean source, namely municipal water, and would definitely be safer than standing water or unpurified creek or river water that would likely be full of all sorts of bacteria and parasites.

The one thing to be careful about is if there is a cleaning cake in the toilet or the toilet tank. The dose of chlorine from them probably won't kill you, but might make you really sick.

So if your frat, basic training, or prison brothers decide to give you a swirly as an initiation stunt, and you swallow a few gulps, you'll more than likely be just fine.

Just don't make it a habit!

You will find it has more flavour unflushed.

Generally yes. Its the same exact water that comes out of your kitchen if you drink that then the water is fine. If the bowl is clean then there really isnt that much to make taint it. What you should do is take a sample of water from the toilet and your normal sink facet and test them to see which is guess is they'll be pretty similar.

I used to be a plumber and its hilarious how many people think that the water in toilet bowls is re-used or not the same water they take a shower with every day. Whenever I would put my hand in the tank people would cringe at the thought of putting my hand in a toilet. There's really nothing wrong with it.

what is the point to this question? u dont have running water? i personally drink from my brita filter, its safer than tap water. think about this, you crap, piss, puke in the toilet, thats something they would do on fear factor. i wouldnt suggest it, but whatever floats yer boat.

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