How do I Drink Less without singing up for AA?!


How do I Drink Less without singing up for AA?

For five years I drank two bottles of wine a night. I was due to go to my daughters wedding and vowed to myself that I wouldn't ruin her day by getting drunk. I only had a couple of glasses. After that I cut down to one bottle a night then one every other night until I got to one bottle a week. Also consider this. Your liver can manage quite well on 10% of it when 90% has been damaged by booze. Once you go into that 10%, you're doomed, it can't correct itself and can't manage on less than 10%. You then die. During the damaging of the 90%, you don't feel ill, so you are not aware that bit by bit you are slowly killing yourself.
Make a pact with yourself today, that you will cut down bit by bit until you can handle just drinking once a week or whatever

Avoid pubs and clubs and dont go near off licences or shops that sell alcohol!

Stop drinking!!!

Im not sure, but i am sure that the AA would love you SINGING at the next meeting, might make their day lol..!!!!

be like me, I dont drink anymore, I dont drink any less.

The answer is in your question... here's a hint... ( DRINK LESS )

I've avoided drink all my life (i'm 21) and i'm not even tempted, I just avoid all temptation and have strong will-power

only you can answer that, its you that will make the changes if you want.

Something that i am trying a the moment is this. Every time i am tempted to drink or smoke i remember that Gorden Brown takes more money from me. It seems to put me of quite well.

The first thing to do is have a think about why you drink? Boredom, habit, craving? Once you've done that you can take action e.g. join a gym, or take a class, start writing a book, training for a marathon...whatever! If you find it's not as simple as and you think you may have an alcohol problem then maybe you should see a counsellor. I've heard Allan Carr- easy way to stop drinking is good...

Have your best friend kick you in the balls if you decide to have more than two drinks. Painful but should be a motivating way to get you to stop. Aight other than that i don't know no ideas mate.

I don't know the answer, but I know how you feel. When I do drink I always drink too much and I can't stop, but I'm not an alcoholic 'coz I can stop drinking entirely if I want to and don't crave it or anything like that. Trouble is I don't want to give up my social drinking. I just want to be able to drink in moderation like a normal person. I'd love for doctors to find a solution to this problem rather than just telling us to abstain.

Work on your self control.
Get some hobbies that don't involve alcohol such as going to the gym, swimming, walking.
Try and associate with non-drinking friends. You could always go and see your GP and see if he could offer any advise.
Tel as many supportive friends as possible that you are having a month off the drink and see if you can get some of them to join you.

Stop keeping alcohol in your home. It makes having a drink a more conscious decision.

Try taking yourself out to things that don't involve alcohol. Movies are good, hiking. If you're the giving type, try spending a few evenings a week volunteering.

If u hav a drinkin prob then u wont ever be able to cut down on ur drink, without help. Belive me...

If you are even considering AA then you must know you have a problem with drinking. Try now to cut down but if you find that you can't then maybe a meeting at AA will help you. I tried it even tho i was sceptical, and guess what, it helped!! It sure ain't a magic cure but with the help and support of others it works. Do yourself, and your liver, a favour and get to a meeting if controlling it is hard.....before it's too late!

stay in and drink tea

well, since u asked, i do have a drinking problem, i only have one mouth and two hands! and heres a rule i swear by, dont drink and drive, you will most likely spill your drink-lol.

I'm with bad girl exactly

AA is for quiters!

I don't know how to drink moderately; it is simply impossible for me to do so. I did get sober 8+ years ago in AA, though. But if all you want is to drink less, AA isn't the way to go. We are an abstinence-based program.

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