Fermented Soda?!

Question: Fermented Soda!?
So here's the scoop!. I've got a magical little kit to make my own soda!. Included is a package of Pasteur Champagne yeast!.
I'm new to the whole brew-your-own thing, so I need to know a couple things!.
1 - Is it possible for Pasteur Champagne yeast to produce enough alcohol to actually consider the concoction an alcoholic beverage!?
If so, 2 - what are the most favorable conditions for fermentation!?
3 - What type of yeast would be more favorable for a fermented soda!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Champagne yeast is quite tolerant of high alcohol in its medium!. I've even used it to carbonate barleywine when the level of alcohol got too high for the beer yeast!. The way you control the alcohol content is by controlling the amount of sugar or the type of yeast!. With little sugar, you will get less alcohol!. With a bread yeast, you will get high carbonation and little alcohol production!. I can't speak for the taste!. Ale or lager yeasts would be intermediate between bread and wine yeasts!. There are also turbo yeasts that claim to ferment up to 18% ABV, much more alcoholic than even champagne yeasts!. If you want to make an alcoholic soda, I suggest that you experiment!. The kit-maker obviously did before coming up with champagne yeast!. This might not be the best taste for you though; the manufacturer had to consider cost and storage (length and conditions)!. You might try an ale yeast that leaves fruity overtones!. If money is no object, there are liquid yeast cultures that have to be refrigerated!. These lose strength with time!.

As far as conditions go, the three most important things are sanitation, sanitation, and sanitation!. A few bacteria in your batch can ruin your hard work!. Temperature depends on the type of yeast you use!. Lager yeast takes the coolest temperatures; wines and wheat beer, the highest!.

Good luck!. I have a feeling that you're going to need it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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