What is Green Chartreuse?!

Question: What is Green Chartreuse!?
Is the flavor any good!?

and is it worth buying a bottle of!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mrs Jack pretty much summed it up!.

I love the Green, but only have it a few times a year!.

It is a great mixer if you like herbal liqueurs like Benedictine Dom though the flavour is quite distinctive!. It goes well with bitter mixes such as tonic water and bitter lemon!. Can be served as a long drink, ice or no, with either!. There are a number of bitters, such as Angostura and Campari that work well with it too!.

I suggest ordering a shot at a bar to give it a try!. Take care with it though: it is very strong, and will get you seriously munted in no time!. The Yellow has quite a different flavour!.


It is a French Liqueur and it's been around since the early 1600's!.
According to tradition a marshal of artillery to French king Henri IV, Fran?ois Hannibal d'Estrées, presented the Carthusian monks at Vauvert, near Paris, with an alchemical manuscript that contained a recipe for an "elixir of long life" in 1605!. The recipe eventually reached the religious order's headquarters at the Grande Chartreuse monastery, in Voiron, near Grenoble!. It has since then been used to produce the "Elixir Végétal de la Grande Chartreuse"!. The formula is said to call for 130 herbs, flowers, and secret ingredients combined in a wine alcohol base!. The monks intended their liqueur to be used as medicine!. The recipe was further enhanced in 1737 by The beverage soon became popular, and in 1764 the monks adapted the elixir recipe to make what is now called Green Chartreuse!. In 1793 the monks were expelled from France, and manufacture of the liqueur ceased!. Several years later they were allowed to return!. In 1838 they developed Yellow Chartreuse, a sweeter, 40% alcoholic (80° proof) liqueur, colored with saffron!.

The monks were again expelled from the monastery following a change in French law in 1903, and their real property, including the distillery, was confiscated by the government!. The monks took their secret recipe to their refuge in Tarragona, Spain, and began producing their liqueurs with the same label, but with an additional label which said Liqueur fabriquée à Tarragone par les Pères Chartreux ("liquor manufactured in Tarragona by the Carthusian Fathers")!.

In Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, the bar owner Warren (Quentin Tarantino) serves a green liqueur!. After having emptying their glasses, and being asked what was just served, Warren says "Chartreuse, the only liqueur so good they named a color after it!."

Chartreuse has a very strong characteristic flavor!. It is very sweet, by turns both spicy and pungent!. By way of comparison, it is quite similar to Liquore Strega or Galliano!. Its taste varies depending upon the serving temperature!. It is often served on ice, but can be added to cocktails or added to a mixer!. Some mixed drink recipes call for only a few drops of Chartreuse, so assertive is its flavor!. Have fun!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Honestly, by itself its nasty!. The taste is hard to describe, its a herbal liquer!.!.!.!. It is however good to have on your shelf as it can be mixed in potent cocktails with 'smashing' results!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

its a special liquor made in France by Monks !. the recipe goes back hundreds of years and is top secret, its worth buying a bottle if you canWww@FoodAQ@Com


ugh!.!.!.I find it so bitterWww@FoodAQ@Com

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