Couple Alchoholic questions?!

Question: Couple Alchoholic questions!?
I got to awnser these questions to write and essay help please

Drinking can depress the brain so much that a person may ___!?

What's the system that transports alchohol throughout the body!?

What's the national organization made up of recovering alchoholics!?

A person may stumble because his/her ____ is affected with increasing blood alchohol levels!.

Alchohol is a ____!? I think it's depressent but i don't know!.

What can be slowed with inreased blood alchohol levels!?

Which organ absorbes alchohol into the bloodstream!?

To resist pressure, say " !?"Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!.!.Drinking can depress the brain so much that a person may cause coma

2!.!.!.What's the system that transports alchohol throughout the body

When an alcoholic beverage is consumed it passes down the esophagus through the stomach and into the small intestine!. Although a small amount of alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane, that vast majority of alcohol enters the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestine!. Alcohol is water soluble and the bloodstream rapidly transports the ethanol throughout the body where it is absorbed into the body tissues in proportion to their water content!.

Ethanol is greatly diluted by the body fluids!. For example, a 1-ounce shot of 80-proof whiskey, which contains 0!.4 fluid ounces of ethanol will be diluted in a 150-pound human, producing somewhere in the neighborhood of an 0!.02% blood alcohol concentration!. With a user that is smaller with say one half of the water weight in his or her body than the individual in the prior example, that same 0!.4 fluid ounce of ethanol would likely produce an alcohol concentration at or near 0!.04%!.

3!.!.What's the national organization made up of recovering alchoholics!?
The National Association for the Advancement and Advocacy of Addicts !.!.!.!.!. Rehabs started popping up, run by alcoholics recovering in A!.A

4!.!.!.Alchohol is a _drug___!? I think it's depressent but i don't know!?
A depressant is a drug that has a specific sort of neurochemical effect—one that doesn't necessarily correspond to any other lay connotations to the word "depress"!. That alcohol makes you feel buzzed is orthogonal to the effect it has on, say, your cardiovascular and respiratory systems!. You get buzzed because it alters your brain chemistry!.

As for vibration, that link is a pile of cuckoo-nutso non-science, so any difficulty you're having reconciling its contents with practical experience is kind of beside the point

5!.!.!.What can be slowed with inreased blood alchohol levels!?

lood Alcohol Level
Understanding Blood Alcohol Level

Blood alcohol level (BAL) refers to the ratio of alcohol to blood in the bloodstream!. It also accurately reflects the level of alcohol in the entire body!. BAL, also known as blood alcohol concentration (BAC), is represented as a percentage!. Here’s an analogy which may help you understand what those numbers represent!. Picture this—a shelf with 10,000 compartments!. Each compartment is filled with a drop of blood!. If I replace one drop of blood with one drop of alcohol, the shelf now has a BAL of !.01 percent!. If I replace two drops of blood with two drops of alcohol, the shelf now has a BAL of !.02 percent!. If I replace ten drops of blood with ten drops of alcohol, then the shelf has a BAL of !.10 percent!.

Previously a BAL of !.10 percent was considered legally drunk in most states!. National legislation in the year 2000 has proposed a national BAL limit of !.08 percent—and rightly so!. After all, ongoing research continues to indicate a clear, direct relationship between increased BAL and increased risk for automobile crashes, serious injury and death!.

6!.!.!.Which organ absorbes alchohol into the bloodstream

The absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream can also occur directly at the stomach wall, but most rapid absorption occurs through the wall of the small intestine, a highly specialized tissue for the uptake of nutrients into the body!. It has a large surface area, one thousand times greater than the stomach, and has thinner walls and a greater blood supply

7!.!.!.To resist pressure, say " !?"
Spoken pressure—when someone pressures you with words—can be difficult to resist!. Most people don’t want to risk making others feel bad, but it’s important to stand up for yourself!. Check out these strategies for dealing with spoken pressure!.

? Say no assertively
? Stay alcohol free
? Suggest something else to do
? Stand up for others
? Walk away from the situation
? Find something else to do with other friends
? Attend a party unprepared to resist alcohol
? Be afraid to say no
? Mumble
? Say no too aggressively
? Act like a know-it-all when saying no

hopw u will like the answers friendWww@FoodAQ@Com

What's the system that transports alcohol throughout the body!? Blood stream so circulatory system

What's the national organization made up of recovering alcoholics!? AA alcoholics anonymous

A person may stumble because his/her ____ is affected with increasing blood alcohol levels!.
Equilibrium/ inner ear
Alcohol is a ____!? I think it's depressant but i don't know!.
What can be slowed with increased blood alcohol levels!?
Reaction time
Which organ absorbes alcohol into the bloodstream!?
To resist pressure, say " !?" Hand me a beer (and just carry it around)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Come on man, how are you going to learn if you just ask someone the answers!. You are cheating yourself!.

Just this once -

Drinking can depress the brain so much that a person may consider suicide!?

What's the system that transports alchohol throughout the body!? -- Blood

What's the national organization made up of recovering alchoholics!? Alcholics anomynous (AA)

A person may stumble because his/her balance is affected with increasing blood alchohol levels!.

Alchohol is a drug!? I think it's depressent but i don't know!.

What can be slowed with inreased blood alchohol levels !? - reaction times!.

Which organ absorbes alchohol into the bloodstream!? Intestines

To resist pressure, say " !?" NOWww@FoodAQ@Com

1!. pass out, become comatose!.
2!. the heart and blood!.
3!. Alcoholics Anonymous
4!. Balance
5!. Yes, a depressant!.
6!. Reaction time, and heart and brain and metabolism!.
7!. The liver!.
8!. 'I can't, I don't want to, 'No!'
Good Luck!!
Stay sober!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.(o:)Www@FoodAQ@Com

1) yawn
2) dhl
3) L!.O!.L!.
4) penis/pussy
5) uber thing
6) the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
7) right buttock
8) woot!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i agreewith the firdt anwserWww@FoodAQ@Com

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