When referring to beer, what does the term "notes" mean?!

Question: When referring to beer, what does the term "notes" mean!?
Does a beer with "subtle orange fruit notes" have actual orange!? If a beer has notes of orange is it in reference to the aroma or flavor!? If flavor, is it in reference to ingredients or just how the beer tastes, due to artificial flavoring!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, there is no actual orange juice in the beer!. The notes reference can mean either flavor or aroma, or both!. It is just how the beer tastes, but it is NOT an artificial flavor!.

Check out Lambic beers!. It's just barley, water, and hops!. The yeast that most brewers have to add is not added to make a Lambic, instead they rely on wild yeast captured out of the air!. Since you can't predict which exact composition of yeast will be present to ferment the wort, it comes out different each time!. These wild yeast generally produce fruit notes in the beer!. (This is the lesser known broad category of beer, the other two being Ale and Lager, both have yeast added by the brewer)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

notes is usually used by beer advocates in reference to aroma and taste!.!.!.!. how the beer is brewed contributes in every aspect to its appearance, smell, taste, and even how it feels on the palate!.!.!. using only the essentials (barley, hops, water, and yeast) it is unreal how many different flavors you can create!.

its not USUALLY in a case of actual additives, but a combination of how the beer was brewed!.!.!. Most good breweries (by that I mean NOT miller, coors, bud, corona, etc!.) don't use artificial additives!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Notes refers to both aroma and flavour!. They are not a result of adding ingredients to the beer (or wine) but it is simply a flavour or aroma your nose and tastebuds can detect when smelling or drinking the beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

notes means flavours or aromas!.!.!.same as in wineWww@FoodAQ@Com

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