What does it mean to "blackout" while drinking?!

Question: What does it mean to "blackout" while drinking!?
I've heard the term a lot, and I've never drank until this point!. How do you know when you've "blacked out"!? //What do you experience/what does it feel likE!?

I've always thought it was just the point when you don't remember anything!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It may mean that you actually drove, or did some other activity while being unconscious of doing it--YES you could have entire conversations etc and not realize it, because your mind is in an unconscious stateWww@FoodAQ@Com

blacking out while drinking means that you probably drank too much!. Its when you're still completely awake and are walking around or whatever, but you don't know you're doing any of it, because your brain seems to shut off temporarily and you could come to somewhere completely different than you were before!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is, pretty much!. You are looking like you are awake but the mind is either sleeping, or somewhere else!. Blacking out is what it's called when you suddenly realize you are either behind the wheel and don't remember getting there or, when you have made it home and don't remember getting there!. Blacking out just means you didn't make it to sleeping it off and waking up the next morning!. You woke up, or came to your senses, before you could hit the sack!. Hope this helps!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It happens when you are so drunk that your mind goes into an unconcious state!. You might of just walked 5 miles or talked to a random person for half an hour without even realizing it!.

Happens to me a lot!.!.last time I went drinking, I walked out of my friends house and ended up on a random bridge, with no idea how I got there (it would of taken atleast 20 minutes to get there!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

One minute you're sitting sipping your drink, the next you wake up, hopefully in your own bed, and can only remember bits and pieces of what happened during the time you where unconscious!.

You get a massive hangover, you feel fatigued, and like I said, you have gaps in your memory!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i've never experienced it!. But a couple of my friends have!. i believe its kind of when one loses complete control, of what they are doing/saying!. and feel completely out of it!.
and no they have no memory of it the next day!.
Its not a good place to be, so i wouldn't suggest it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

to black out is when you wake up the next day and don't remember a whole chunk (or all) of the night before!. trust me!.!.!.!. not a good feeling having to ask your friends what happened last night!.!.!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is a point after consuming lot of liquor or any other intoxicant or even anaesthesia when after coming to, you don't remember a fig !.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it means your so sober that you passout because your around alot of drunk people and your body feels left out D I C KWww@FoodAQ@Com

I can't remember, I keep blacking out!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

you will either wake up in jail or in bed with a coyoteWww@FoodAQ@Com

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