If you fall 500 ft. live and drink a 50 gallon jug full of sweet tea fill up a 50 gal. jug with pee?!

Question: If you fall 500 ft!. live and drink a 50 gallon jug full of sweet tea fill up a 50 gal!. jug with pee!?
wat will happenWww@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know about the falling part, however, if you drink 50 gallons of sweet tea, you are not going to produce 50 gallons of urine!.!.!.sugar is taken in as a nutrient, so the sugar part of the tea will be missing!. The tannic acid in tea will also be gone!.!.!.it is considered by the body as a waste product and is eliminated!.

also, sweat, breathing, etc!. will use up some of the water!.!.!.so maybe (guessing here) 48 gallons of urine!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'll stay tuned!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't know!. try it and get back to us!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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