So, I have these alcohol nips with 21% alcohol in each. Is 21% alot of alcohol?!

Question: So, I have these alcohol nips with 21% alcohol in each!. Is 21% alot of alcohol!?
Just wondering!.!. Sorry If it seems stupid to some of you, but i'm curious!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

21 percent alcohol is roughly half the strength of standard liqour, mainly rum, gin, vodka, and tequila which generally have about 40 percent alcohol!.

Its not a lot of alcohol in terms of liqour, but it is a lot of alcohol when refering to alcoholic beverages in general!.

Malibu rum and Parrot Bay rum both have 21 percent alcohol (42 proof) so id venture to say that the nips are one of those, or perhaps a weak ammaretto!. A 21 percent alcohol nip is = to about 6 ounces (or 1/2) of a 5 percent alcohol beer, such as budwieser!.

Becareful of milder liqours though!. They tend to sneak up on you!. This is because they taste milder and thus you drink more!. Suddenly you've lost count of how many shots you've had and it hits you!.

To answer your second question, the amount of alcohol you have total (considering that nips are slightly more then a single shot) is = to about 4 shots of "standard" (35-40 percent) liqour!. If you have zero tolerance to alcohol, it will make you mildly drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's 42 proof!. To give you an idea: a standard vodka, whiskey, gin, etc is 80 proof or 40% alcohol!.
So what you have is not necessarily a lot alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That would mean that they are 42 proof!.!.!. and its higher percentage than beer or wine!.!.!. but not really!. It is not a lot of alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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