What if this actually happened in real life at a McDonald's? What kind of trouble would these two get in?!

Question: What if this actually happened in real life at a McDonald's!? What kind of trouble would these two get in!?
Hulk Hogan gets shorted a nugget out of a 20-piece nugget at McDonald's, he gets all mad, "hulks up", tears off his t-shirt, jumps over the counter, points to the McDonald's clerk and says "YOU!!!", the pimply teenager throws punches at Hulk Hogan like the guys do to him in the ring after the "YOU!!!", Hulk Hogan blocks the punches of the McEmployee, Hogan pounds him rights, body slams him on the greasy McFloor, and gives him that infamous "Leg Drop" he always does!.

The McEmployee threw the first punch, but that was only because Hulk Hogan scared him by tearing off his shirt, jumping over the counter, pointing to him, and shouting "YOU!!!", but he's just a scrawny pimply teenager while Hulk Hogan is a massive person!.

1) What kind of trouble would the pimpy McEmployee get in!?

2) What kind of trouble would Hulk Hogan get in!?

And how much would the newspeople, reporters, cops, and media be laughing and giggling if this happened in real life!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Employee would probably get fired by McDonald's because the customer is always right, and if it went to court Terry Hogan would probably have to pay some fine and restitution to the McDonald's employee!. No way to know for sure since Mr!. Hogan is a celebrity!. That's just my best guess!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If they both went to court, one of them could get thrown in jail for aggravated battery or something like that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

why is this question in the beer, wine and spirits area!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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