Jello Shots...?!

Question: Jello Shots!.!.!.!?
I want to make Jello Shots this weekend for a party and I can never get them just right! They are usually a bit liquidy and odd looking, though they still taste good!. Any tips on making them better!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

When I made them it calls for 1c!. hot water and 1c!. cold water ,but I used 1c!. hot water and the other cup cold vodka, poured into little shot glasses and put in fridge to set, right before I served them I put strawberry whip cream on the strawberry and lime shots and plain whip cream on the other flavors like grape and orange!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This link breaks down the water/alcohol proportions according to the proof of your liquor!. I've made them according to this many different ways (vodka, tequila, limoncello and others) and they all came out perfect!. Enjoy!


A website (I don't remember which) did an experiment to make the best Jello shots possible!. They found that too much alcohol causes the Jello shots to stay liquid and not set correctly!. Try using less alcohol than in the past, they should come out more like regular Jello that way!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

girl you need the ez-squeeze~! the ez-squeeze jello shot cups work the best and they chill alot faster than that garbage thats out there already! and they dont crack n u can reuse them!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You might not be leaving them in the fridge long enough to set up properly!. Here are some videos you might find interesting:

make them just like you would for jello jiggle rs but use half the amount of water and the other half boozeWww@FoodAQ@Com

dont add the vodka until just before serving themWww@FoodAQ@Com

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