What is the best type of tequila to take shots with?!

Question: What is the best type of tequila to take shots with!?
what brands of tequila is the best out of all of em!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many drink it, but unfortunately most do not really fully understand it or appreciate it!.

That's because in the US, it's largely marketed to college kids as a way to get "crazy", which is largely missing the true nature of tequila!.

As you'll all see from the other answers, the word "best" is quite subjective!. It's also based on experience with tequila too, as anyone who knows anything about tequila in any real way would not say Cuervo, unless they were referencing their Tradicional or Reserva de la Familia, which are the only 2 Cuervo-labeled tequilas they make that are any good!.

Patron too, while good, is often mentioned because they spend more marketing dollars than any other tequila company, and thus when college kids are ready to move up from Cuervo, they often go to Patron as they see it advertised so much, and their exploration stops there!. Make no mistake, Patron isn't bad by any means!. But you can get better for less!.

Some tequilas are very "oaky" as they have been aged in oak barrels (often used Jack Daniel's barrels) so they pick up a woodys flavor!. Some are kind of fruity tasting!. Some can be a bit peppery!.

also to get the correct tequila experience, don't drink anything that doesn't say 100% agave (like junk like regular Cuervo or Sauza)!. These are cheap poorly made tequilas designed to sell to college kids to get drunk!. They are only 51% real tequila, and the rest are fillers like corn syrup and grain alcohol (and thus the hangover the next day is born)!.

The aging has a lot to do with the taste, so try a few to see which style you like best, and then remember how the aging is labeled:

Blanco (because it's totally clear) - no aging
Reposado - minimally aged at least 2 months, but can be up to 1 year
Anejo - heavily aged, minimally 1 year but less than 3 years!.

If you are sipping the shot (what I recommend) and you want the best, get an anejo tequila (one of the brands I list below)!. If you are shooting the shot, anejo is a waste of money and flavor, so go for a blanco or maybe a reposado!.

If price is no object, and you want the very best, get Herradura Seleccion Suprema!. It's considered an ultra-anejo!. It's about $320/bottle or about $30/shot!. It's an ultra anejo tequila aged for 5 years!. Dark brown in color and more like a smooth cognac or bourbon than a cheap tequila!.

The best tequilas in the world are ultra anejos that have been aged for years, the Suprema being my favorite!.

You can also check out Don Julio 1942, Don Julio Real, Jose Cuervo de la Familia and Gran Patron (sometimes called Platinum), all of which fall into the same category!.

In a more normal price range, tequilas I would recommend if you are looking for one that is smooth:

Don Julio
Corzo (please note this is not Cuervo)
Pura Sangre
Cabo Wabo
Dos Lunas


also just FYI!. The guy above who mentioned the worm is thinking of mezcal, not tequila!. "Worms" (which are really larva) are not allowed under Mexican law!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Patron all the way baby!!! It is smooth, you don't feel like you just took a shot of tequila, it is so smooth you have to be careful, or you will be more wasted than you want to be!. Try it and take it slow!. It is a little expensive but well worth the money!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dude a shot to shot war of tequila is detrimental!. Drink the good stuff!. No clear stuff!. Drink a good brand!. Leave the worm!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

easy answer Patron!.!.!. its a bit expensive even for the cheapest stuff but it is very worth it!.!.!. once you try it nothing else will ever doWww@FoodAQ@Com

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