Fruity beer?!

Question: Fruity beer!?
does anyone know the name of some fruity flavored beer that starts with a p!?
thanks =)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I know of Blue Moon it has a very sweet flavor!. If you serve it with fresh orange slices on the side to squeeze a little juice in, it is heavenly!. I had it for the first time about a month ago!. I couldn't believe how good it was!. I love it!. Even if you don't pick me for best answer you got to try this!. And have fun!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lindeman's lambic beer is fruity!. They have many flavors, including "Pomme" (apple) and "Peche" (Peach)!. There is also Purple Haze and Pete's Wicked Strawberry Blonde!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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