How many shots are in a fifth of alcohol?!

Question: How many shots are in a fifth of alcohol!?
A fifth of alcohol is 750 ml or 1/5 of a gallon = 25!.6 ounces
there are 128 ounces in a gallon
a shot is either 1!.5 or 1!.25 ounces
so at 1!.5 oz shot there are 17!.067 shots
at 1!.25 oz shots there are 20!.48 shotsWww@FoodAQ@Com

From a DUI perspective it's 1!.5 oz or 17 shots
Alcohol equivalencies
12oz Beer =5 oz wine =1!.5 oz whiskey
The math:
12 oz beer @ 5% alcohol =!.6 oz alcohol
5 oz wine @ 12% alcohol =!.6 oz " "
1!.5 oz whiskey @ 40% alcohol = !.6 oz alcohol
So if your local cops think that it's 1!.5 oz then your local bartender damned well better tooWww@FoodAQ@Com

A fifth is 750ml or about 25 ounces!. A shot is 1!.5 ounces, so about 17 drinks!. Two 20 ounce bottles would be about 27 drinks and two 32 ounce bottles would be about 43 drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

17 to 25, depending on whether you do a 1 oz or 1!.5 oz shot!. I believe 1!.5 oz is standard (thus, 17 shots)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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