Is having energetic drinks just like drinking alcohol?!

Question: Is having energetic drinks just like drinking alcohol!?
I mean does this give you the same effect!? let's say I don't want to drink alcohol at a party, is having one of those energetic drinks the same as drinking alcohol!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

not really!. Usually the energy drinks have a lot of caffeine, which is a stimulant (like coffee or cola)!.

While alcohol is a depressant, tends to put you to sleep!.

But really, you should feel no pressure to consume either at a party!.

If harassed, just grab a colored (non-see through) plastic mug, fill it with water (or ginger ale) and lie about what you are drinking to the idiots that can't let you be!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, in my experience drinking alcohol tends to amplify the mood you were previously in!. So if you were happy before you start drinking, you'll be extra happy!. Same as if you were pretty pissed off, you'd be more pissed off after a drink!.
Energy drinks give you loads of energy so i guess in a way sometimes you could be hyperactive like a drunk person, but you still have the straightforward thinking and you don't slur or send drunken texts, or want to sleep with a fat chick!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

not at all!. Alcohol is a depressant and those energy drinks act as a stimulant!. If you like alcohol try making some mixed together, but remember do it responsibly!. Grey Goose and Red Bull go good together, as well as jagermiester and red bull!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no, not at all!. one is a stimulant the other is a depressant!. if you want to go to a party and dont want to drink then do just that and dont worry what anyone else has to say!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

wtf is that stupid question!?
why would an ENERGY drink would act like alcohol

no not a allWww@FoodAQ@Com

ofc it isnt lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

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