Why don't I like drinking anymore?!

Question: Why don't I like drinking anymore!?
I used to drink lots!. Maybe 5 or 6 nights a week!. Well, I gave up alcohol for lent and now I can't really drink!. I ordered the usual chardonnay and it doesn't taste good anymore!. So, then I thought, well it is kind of warm today and then I got a rum and coke and couldn't drink that either!. Have my taste buds changed!? did I outgrow alcohol!? I'm 36!. Anyone else have this experience!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Same here!.

When I went to college, it was in the only state in the union that had not raised its drinking age to 21 (Louisiana in the early 90's)!.

I'm not an alcoholic, and I can still enjoy a beer after work, but I don't binge drink any more and don't really want to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Is it such a bad thing!? Non alcoholic beverages are usually less expensive!. If you are around people who are getting drunk and worried what they think of you - offer to be the designated driver, and you can always act as silly as you want around drunk people - they do!. Chances are you did maybe just grow out of it!. I used to like to drink, but I can certainly live without it now!. I'm 41!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I used to like to drink in my late teens and 20's!. I also smoked a pack a day!. But little by little I'm down to a glass maybe 2 of wine at a function!. And stopped smoking altogether 5yrs ago!. I think we've matured!. What's the saying, "we're closer to our mortality!?"

Furthermore all that drinking is harmful to the liver and kidneys!. Not to mention, we look like cr*p the next day!. Who needs the wrinkles!. So what's to miss!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hahaha, I'm about your age and have started turning into my mom (drunk on 2 glasses of wine)!. I went through a phase where everthing was tasting bad as well!. I talked to a friend about losing my ability to drink and she has gone through the same issues!. We need a support group!.

Just drink what tastes good and you'll be ok - I've actually really started enjoying beer immensely lately (which I was never into before)!. Wine tasted terrible for a couple months but now it's good again!.!.!. I'm just a cheaper date these days!. :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

well im only 17 but started drinking at the age of 14 and i mean after a while u get tired of it and its not that u out grew it its just that u drank so much of it that it doesnt catch your attention and your tast buds dont crave it any moreWww@FoodAQ@Com

well, if you dont like to drink but you are a party type of person and like to have fun maybe you shuld try to smoke sum weed or sumthing! its a lot of fun! just be safe!Www@FoodAQ@Com

dont question it just go with it !.!.!. i watched my parents marraige fall apart due to alcohol not to mention my dads costy dui and all the other stuff that went with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

do once think twice life is 1 0Www@FoodAQ@Com

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