Pass an alcohol test or iam goin to jail?!

Question: Pass an alcohol test or iam goin to jail!?
if i drink a pint of wiskey straight on saturday and finish it by 900Pm!. can i pass a drug test on teusday at 500pmWww@FoodAQ@Com

okay to the other guys response!.!.alcohol IS a drug!. didn't you ever take health class!? but anyways it depends on your height and weight and such but you should be okay!. In general the body processes a shot an hour!. A pint is about 11 shots!. So technically speaking you should be straight by the morning!. Tuesday you'll def be okay!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

How 'bout you just don't drink until after the drug test on Tuesday!? Think you can handle that!? But yeah, it will be out of your system!.

A serving of whisky is 1 oz, and it takes about an hour a serving for the body to fully metabolize alcohol!.

also, whisky is a drug, just not an illegal one!. It will show up on the test if it is in your system, they just probably won't care!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes unless they put the pad on your arm and you sweet it out just make sure to make your self sweet in case they put the patch on you my friends in jail for that they put the oatch on him to see if he was drinking the weekend he got out n now he is in jailWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yes you can pass it!. Drink tons of water Sunday and Monday to flush out your system!.
If you are really worried you can get a bottle of Redi-Clean from a bong/pipe store but you should be fine without it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes you can pass a drug test wiskey doesn't have drugs in itWww@FoodAQ@Com

alcohal leaves the system after 24 hours!.so ya 4 sure!.unless ur on crack or somethin!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it depends r u takin a drug test or alcohal testWww@FoodAQ@Com

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