What is the best cheap white wine to buy?!

Question: What is the best cheap white wine to buy!?
umm, prom is tomorrow!. trying to impress this girl!. got it all planned, but she likes wine, and i need something nice, but the budget is a little low!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

White Zinfandel!. They don't call it "panty remover" for nothin'!!!

(seriously though, keep it in your pants!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Verde!.!.!.!.its actually a blend between sparkling wine and white wine and it costs 4!.99 at publix!. It's in a really pretty greenish colored bottle that actually looks like a chamgagne bottle and when you open it, it makes the popping sound as well (which is always fun!)!.

You could probably get it anywhere though, I have seen it at many other places as well and it's never over $5!.

I am absolutely obsessed with this wine as I am a white wine fan myself!. And I have recruited many friends for this wine also!.!.!.!.it really seems to be a crowd pleaser!

Enjoy your prom!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Buy a bottle of Dom!. That will really impress her!. Be sure to give it to her in front of her parents!. That will really impress them, too!. They'll think you're just the best thing for their precious daughter to go out with!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Get a riesling or chablis, these are sweeter white wines!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

sutter homes moscatoWww@FoodAQ@Com

Wild Irish rose!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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