German Wine?!

Question: German Wine!?
I have this bottle of wine my parents gave me its from 1982 and its from Germany!. It was bottled and shipped by: Zimmermann-Graeff!. I think it's called Beredith Zell!. It's a White Moselle Wine and it also says Mosel-Saar-Ruwer!. I wanted to know more about this wine!. If it will taste good aged, or if this is like a tourist wine!. also the price would be nice too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Given that this wine is now over 25 years old, I would suggest you drink it sooner rather than later!. White wines do age and they can age very well but on all wines, there is a limit to their age ability!. I have had many white wines from the Mosel-Saar-Ruwer region and, in fact, my favourite Rieslings come from there so there's reason to believe that it will have aged well!.

As for this producer, they are definitely considered to be a good winery!. The information I have on them is they have a promising, successful young winemaker!. However, it's not likely that the current winemaker is the one responsible for the bottle you have there as he would have only been a young child at the time!. The only way to knwo for certain what the wine is like is to open it up and try it as there are hundreds of factors that could effect how that wine tastes now!. If you want a price on this before you open it up, I would suggest finding a wine appraiser in your area and getting it valued before you go forwardWww@FoodAQ@Com

My experience is that drinking the wine you have is much more satisfying than not drinking it!. Red wines do tend to age better, but white wines age well too, just maybe for not as long!. As for price, I have no idea, but I bet it is a good wine (or was)!. I suggest having a special occasion soon and drinking it!. Taste it first before serving, there is a chance it went bad, but also a good chance it didn't if it was stored right!. Wine is made for drinking, not for hiding for years!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My experience has been that white wine does not age as well as a red does!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

German wines are best drunk young!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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