Has anyone got any bad memories from being drunk ?!


Has anyone got any bad memories from being drunk ?

bad hangovers the following day etc ?

Got a few bad memories but the worst was falling asleep against a wall with a couple of friends next to me asleep also. Woke up and one of them was being sick. It flew everywhere and some of it landed in my mouth. Errgh

If you were good and drunk, you shouldn't remember anything!

oh yes.

and I dont think I want to relive them here.
Hope that helps you feel less on your own if your just now remembering last night...

i don't remember

i was to drunk at the time

Too many to even think about. Two that do spring to mind is being sick in my husbands new car after a work do, and being sick in a pint glass that my husband was holding for me (how romantic!) but I did redeem myself after that incident by revealing my breasts to a busy pub!

Two stories that my son will never hear of!!


The person below me has just reminded me that I wet the bed when drunk because I was dreaming of going to the toilet!! It wouldn't have been that bad if it were my bed but it was my husbands (boyfriend at the time)!! Bless he still married me. I would like to point out that I did not drink on my wedding day!

.......and I fell asleep in a pub toilet once, my auntie had to wake me (how embarrassing!!)

Having a boiled ham and baked bean sandwich when I got in and throwing it straight back up all over the kitchen.
Having a wee under a big lorry in a car park.
Sleeping in a Mini in Blackpool, in a car park.
Staying the night in a hotel, without paying, and sneaking out in the morning.
Now you see why I dont drink any more.

no hangovers because I eat when drinking.have fell over a couple times.

I don't remember any hang-over
BUT I rolled my Jeep wagoneer traversing a sand bar.
A bad choice on my part I should gone straight up.
I don't get drunk any more.

Several. I used to wake up in bed beside them!

Oh yes! (as Churchill would say!) many many many more good memories tho ;) I've also noticed that quite a lot of the time, the bad memories become good memories after a couple of years too....wahey!!!!

i have had a hangover one time and thats it.

Oh yeah... Last one was six months ago. Night before the last day at my previous place of employment... some friends took me out to celebrate. Never made it in to work 'til noon the next day. **** man, I was hungover all freakin' weekend. And the worse part was I had to move and haul all my stuff up three flights of stairs.

Live and learn and do better next time... hopefully!

Yeah I've had loads of bad hangovers, but I'm certain that my drink was spiked once, in a nightclub. My then boyfriend said I was paranoid about going outside, and was frightened to death and stuck to the spot for ages. I'm convinced to this day my drink was spiked, I've never done anything like that before.

there's no such thing as a hangover.....that's just part of sobering up..... the best way to avoid them is just to continue to get drunk...and all i can remember from being drunk is the good times...unless you count the time i woke up next to a fat chick....

too many and more than one bad memory. I have been arrested for alcohol related crimes and no more, I have had enough or prisons and jails.

This story made me a legend in my Little Circle of Friends...

I didn't bring the bottle of peppermint schnaaps, but I didn't pass up my turn when it came my way. Me and my bandmates had a great time, playing rock 'n roll rhythm 'n blues until I had to go pray to the porcelain god. After I'd been in there for who knows how long, I was told i had 30 minutes, and then my ride was leaving. 30 minutes later, i wasn't done, but was getting hauled out of there and thrown in the back of the VW 412, still vomiting.

Once I got home, I thought a warm bath sounded like a good idea. Several hours later, after passing out, my girlfriend found me in a tub full of chilly water. This is called "almost pulling a Jim Morrison" for obvious reasons.

I went to work the next morning.

When I came home my girlfriend said "You still have barf in your hair."

I've never lived this down, but I keep a tight lid on things, now.

Once i was really upset and decided i wanted to get drunk as quicly as possible. So i decided to do some shots. I was mixing shots of pimms with shots of blue and red aftershock. The next morning i woke up in my flat, not knowing how i got home and with bright purple sick all over my floor. Not nice!!! And that's only one of many stories.......!!

ive got pictures but no memories...the next day however i regret every single drink i had...

you have me thinking about the funniest 'viz' joke ever

Thanks God none of these bad memories gave me HIV, i had been pretty lucky, I am in love now, so my hurt got filled of Life, I don't like buzz now...it sounds boring but it's not, now I have the real fun...

when i was a teenager i drank a whole bottle of blackberry brandy straight from the bottle.it was around easter.i was puking snickers for 2 days straight.i will never drink that again.

hell yeah too many to list. who hasn't had bad memories. more good than bad though

Anybody who has drank, has bad memories.....lets just hope they learn from their mistakes(It takes more than once)

I could write a book on this. One of the worse hangovers I had was in Jamaica (family vacation). I went to the club on the back of my cousins motorcycle, so the ride back to the resort was interesting. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night with my head in the toilet. No clue on how my mother got me in the bathroom. She said I kept gagging in my sleep. The next morning was our last day in Jamaica and we went out to get souvenirs. We rented a car & just had it washed. Needless to say once I got in & we started driving, I got sick & rolled down the window & upchuck hit the wind & went all down the side of the car. The driver couldn't stop in time for me to get out. However, he did manage to stop 3 other times along the way on what seemded to be steep rocky edges of cliffs for me to get out & call earl.
While were walking around I must have spilled my guts a half a dozen times. Can you say embarrassed!!! (Not Sexy). People (strangers) kept giving me their remedy on what to drink to make me feel better, desperate at this point I tryed any & everything. Nothing worked, It all came right back up emeditally. The only souveners I bought was a wooden hand crafted kan to hold me up. I had the taste of warm red stripe with me all day long (Not good at all). And the funny thing is I don't remember drinking any beer. LMAO!!


don't remember but i was reminded the next day by my friend he also said that is what friends are for.

no i havent had any bad memories and ive never had a hangover except for the day after my birthday which was awesome.

Yeah, waking up next to a chick that was tottaly gross. I split without my clothes..ewwww howd i do that?

cant remember i was to drunk

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