How and when to start drinking wine?!


How and when to start drinking wine?

HI, I was gifted with a wine bottle recently by my friend. I never drank wine or any other alcohol before. Someone told me that if a wine bottle is opened you have to complete it and it cannot be stored.. .Is this true ?
Also, when to take wine? Before food or after food ?
How much wine can a adult man or woman take ?
How do we find which wine is good ... is that based on price ?

Please someone help me with these questions.


Wine can be stored up to a week. Take it with sinner and start with a half-glass, although you can have up to two glasses in an evening

Your last question is one that has perplexed people forever.

Is a $100 bottle of merlot 10 times better than a $10 bottle?

If you have a higher-end wine store near you (like BevMo) they have low-cost tastings, where you can sample wines to see what you might like


Give it away sweetheart

i started when i was 12 but it was at church so it didn't count

>I usually start around noon.<

this is all based on preference, but if it is white wine, chill it first, and usually it will stay good re corked and refrigerated for like a week, red wine i would finish the day you open it, but dont throw it out if you cant finish it, it is great for cooking over the next week or two, you can use it as red wine vinegar, but if it is a white or blush i would definately chill it, as to the cuisine, white wine with white meat, chicken fish etc, and red wine with red meat, with pasta, white wine with white sauce, red wine with red sauce, etc

It's true that wine will not keep well when opened, it turns to viegar in a few days. Price can be an indicator of quality, but not nessesarily so. There are some very nice wines in the 10-15 dollar range, and some real stinkers in the 50 dollar range. It's actually an aquired taste I think. An adult (over 21) can usually handle a glass an hour with no ill effects. One or two glasses should do it, though. If you have more, you'll begin to get drunk, and that's not a pesant thing the next day. Oh yes, DON"T DRIVE even if you've only had a glass or least for a few hours. Wine is great before, during, and after enjoy, in moderation of course.

Wine is pretty powerful for a person who has never drank before. 1-2 glasses and you would probably be done. If you have never drank before, then why start now? I would re-gift the bottle. You can drink wine anytime you like. High priced wine doesn't always mean better tasting wine. Each person has their own preferences some red, some white, some blush. I personally do not like red wine and prefer sweeter wines over dry wines. Since I am not a red wine drinker, I am not sure about it's storage life once opened. A chilled white or blush wine will last a couple of days if kept in the fridge. I would either save it for a dinner party or re-gift it.

Normally you would have wine with dinner.
A red wine needs to come up to temperature which means taken out of the cold.
It needs time to breathe which helps the taste develop.
I find a red goes with red meat, others may differ.
A glass, being a recommended serving is about 7, a bottle, or 100ml.
We use glasses of about twice that size and get a glass and a half each out of a standard 750ml bottle.
Eat with your meal, chomp chomp chomp slurp chomp etc.

Okay, if the wine is white, it should be refrigerated and served chilled. An open bottle of white wine (including the pink colored white zinfendel) will usually last about 4 days in the fridge if it is recorked well to ensure that no air can get into the bottle. Reds are to be served at room temperature. After you uncork a bottle of red wine, let the wine "breathe by letting it sit uncorked for about 30 minutes before pouring. If you have leftover red, recorked tightly and put store in a cool, dark place, such as cabinet away from the stove. 3-5 days for reds. Also, the amount of wine that a person can take depends on sex, weight, metabolism, and alcohol tolerance that is built up over time. If you have never had any alcohol before, you should be pretty tipsy if you consume an average pour of wine. Typically 5oz or just a little under half a wine glass. You can drink wines before, during or after meals. Usually, after dinner wines are sweeter than dinner wines. Finding a "good" wine is a matter of personal taste. Try different wines out...reds and whites. I don't enjoy many white wines. I prefer red fruit forward wines such as Merlot, Syrah, Sangiovese, Chianti and even a few Cabernets. The Sterling Vintner's collection of wine is a wonderful, moderately priced choice. Their Merlot is the best I've ever had. Also, Mellini produces a great Sangiovese.

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