I'm looking for new ways to try and kick a bad habbit?!

Question: I'm looking for new ways to try and kick a bad habbit!?
I've been smoking for quite some time now, and lately I've been having thoughts of quitting again!.

I've tried gum, pills, and patches but to no avail!. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to quit!? I'm even open to the idea that perhaps going cold-turkey might be the most effective, but as any smoker knows, the addiction has a way of creeping back up in the car, or while sipping my morning coffee!.

also, if it's at all possible, I'd like something that is not too heavy on the wallet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try exercising and going cold turkey!. Evey time you want a smoke, do a few crunches or push ups, or take a run!. This helped me quit, but I also used the patch!. I found that drinking strong coffee during the day helped me fight fatigue and irritability and made me want to get up and move!. This will also help you fight the weight gain that often comes from quitting!.

I was the biggest baby when it came to quitting smoking and shouted at everyone who said "good job" or "good for you" and told them shut up and that I was in hell!. The fact is, I hated quitting and never wanted to, but knew I had to or I would die from it!. I smoked clove cigarettes for years (much more nicotine and tar) but now its so nice not to have to worry about when or where I can smoke anymore!. Good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do you have insurance!? Most will cover Chantix, which is what I used to quit smoking!. There are several quit smoking support groups that have a lot of good information!.
If you want to change a habit, you have to do three things!.
Change your playground, (where you normally smoke), your playmates (don't hang with smokers for a while) and your play toys (find something else to do with your hands and mouth)
good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Although I have never smoked, my father was a smoker from his late teenage years until he was in his late 30s/early 40s!. He was able to quit through hypnosis, as Deborah mentioned!. Since then, he has not had a single craving!.
I know that hypnosis does not work for everyone, but it's worth a shot if you can trust the procedure to work!. Best of luck,I hope whatever you decide works out well for you!Www@FoodAQ@Com

my own personal way was reading books on self hypnosis !.it's simple and inexpensive and it works !.it only requires a little time each day and with the library and the internet you might not have to buy the books !.the best book i read on training the subconscience is called [ cycho cybernetics ] by maxwell maltz !.if you practise the methods ooutlined in the book they will workWww@FoodAQ@Com

Try to move to a different spot when you get the urge!. As in when you sip coffee in the morning in the kitchen at the table try as I am getting dressed or to busy to have a cig in your hand at that time!. think of some creative ways!. the first 12 days are the hardest!.!.!. best of luck you can do it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i was in a similar predicament!.

i stopped cold turkey (it worked)!. what helped me out was that every time i got the urge to buy a pack of smokes, i would take that money and put it in a jar!. at the end of the week (if i was good), i would take that money and buy me something nice !.!.!. like a reward for not smoking!. not only did i feel a sense of pride, but the shopping got my mind off smoking!.

another suggestion is to put enough money in your bank account (the rest in a savings) to make it through the week or payday!. then you'll have to think about spending $3 on a pack of smokes or $3 for toilet paper!. unless you can find a way to wipe your butt with cigarettes, the decision wouldn't be that hard!. at least, i hope it wouldn't!

just a few suggestions!. hope you find something that works for you!. good luck !.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I carried around straws and sucked on them like a cigarrette or chewed them, also suckers help with the oral fixation!.!.!.good luck and stay strong!.!.!.quitting is the hardest thing I ever did but soooo worth it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

My husband used the patch!.!.!.!.and lollipops (sugar-free) and mints!.

Please don't use hypnosis as it is a form of witchcraft!

Pray and ask Jesus to deliver you from this demon!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've thought of hypnosis, I get fliers in the mail from time to time about $50 sessions!. But I haven't tried it yet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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