Why do guys pee when drunk?!


Why do guys pee when drunk?

im talkin in their sleep on your bed peeing. peeing in there sleep when theve been drinking. whats up?

Alcohol is a muscle relaxant. People who drink a lot become very "relaxed". Not just their external body parts, but their internal body parts too. Their brains function more slowly, their conciousness wanes, theyr reactions become slow or disoriented and their bladders may lose control at some stage. Do not forget also, that if you drink a lot of beer or spirit, your bladder will fill up. If you forget to wiz, then you have a problem.

Alcohol is also a mild irratiant so the bladder wants to get rid of it (which is why you want to wiz a LOT when drinking a lot of alcohol.)

Solution would be, if your partner has been drinking heavily, take them to the bathroom and make them sit on the loo for a while before allowing them in bed. If they are already unconcious, set up a nice pile of towels in the bathroom on the floor and let them sleep there.

Well, men pee when they're sober, although hopefully in the proper place, so my best advice is keep your guy sober.


This is you we're talking about, isn't it. Well, not every guy does that. I've never peed in my sleep, drinking or otherwise. You might want to ask your doctor about it. If you have a tendency to have poor bladder control, it would make sense that it would get worse when you get drunk.


Don't say guys.....say boy's (with a very small "b".) ....if they cannot hold there bladders any better than that, they are not old enough to partake in drinkage........I'll bet these boy's you refer too, there mother still is cutting their bread crust off their sandwiches !

alchol makes you wanna pee

Beer is consider a diuretic drink It makes you pee after 2-3 bottles It cleanses you kidneys depending on the amount of water you have in your body. To neutralize the loss of fluids drink lots of water..

First of all, you need to know what gets you drunk (alcohol, sure but why)?

Alcohol is a very complex chain of carbon, oxygen, ammonium and hydrogren caused by the fermentation of simple sugars.

When consumed, it's not really touched by the stomach or intestines. It goes down to the liver, pancreas and kidneys pretty much. The pancreas is where insulin is produced, which does a lot of the breaking down that turns alcohol into a lot of sugars again. Your liver cannot filter out other compound very well and the rest goes to the kidneys and is filtered to pass to the bladder. But that's not all of it. It gets worse...

Drink too much and your blood is flooded with more and more sugars and byproducts it not only cannot properly use but it's actually starving the cells of nutrients AND oxygen. Your entire body becomes affected and your brain is impaired and cannot control your functions as well or process information well.

Your autonomic nervous system that runs things in the "background" like muscles, respiration, bladder control...

It sounds like a big problem that happens often in your presence...or to you. Being drunk so often is not recreational, it's very destructive and everyone ends up "holding the bottle" at some point. If you are a victim of another's drinking Alanon and Alateen and local mental health clinics can help you break the cycles of pain and codependency.

They have too much liquid inside and have a pressure on their bladder. Being drunk to the point that one is not able to control your urination is a problem a person has to learn to control in this rather uncomfortable way, and so much washing, embarrassment. Is it worth it?

man are we 3 you are suposed to go before you try to find your bed when i drink i go so i got something to play with

Too much alcohol Its a diiuretic (makes you pee ie like lots of coffee) They are in a drunken stupor at the same time & have to go. Sleep in separate beds or places when he's had a night out with the guys.

I've never been THAT drunk, but alcohol does suppress the secretion of antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary, and it has been known to loosen inhibitions, the prime reason men buy ladies drinks. Put the two together, and.....

alchol is a liquid drink enough of anything and you'll have to pee.

They are drunk,

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