How do I drink all night without getting drunk?!


How do I drink all night without getting drunk?

My buddies are big drinkers. I want to go out with them tonight, but I haven't had a drink in over a year. (I was pregnant, and now I am a new mom). I want to be able to drink a few drinks, but not get schloshed. With that said, what mixed drinks would you reccommend that won't get me drunk really fast?

eat between your drinks .. . bread products. . so the alcohol is absorbed

if you drink water all night you won't get drunk.

Drink water and pretend it's vodka.

Drink something with no alcohol in it.

Drink a pint of water, for every pint of Beer.

you can have like long island ice teas just make sure you eat alot while your drinking. It will help combat it. Anything that has alot of breat with it. Crackers, need the bread to abosorb the alochol.

I would just ask the bartender to go light on the liquor. Or alternate between an alcoholic drink and soda or water....

you could order a couple beers without feeling too much, or you could order mixed drinks and ask the bartender for a little less vodka or whatever. The vodka's that are fruit flavored have less alcohol content then normal vodka so that is an option also.

I like drinking a combo of orange Juice and Cranberry Juice. It looks like a madress and its healthy.

make sure you eat before you start drinking.kahlua&milk is a nice sweet cocktail and won't get you too's not the most figure friendly, but if it's just for one night why not.if it's not giving you enough of a buzz add a little vodka,that is called a white russian.yummy!!! Have Fun!!

Anything that is alcoholic will make you get drunk if you exceed the limit. My suggestion is,"Drink only a glass of beer or diet pepsi or coke instead." Are you obligated to drink alcohol when you're with your buddies?

Midori Sour, drink might be a little light on the alcohol content and won't taste bad to you after not drinking so long. It's still alcoholic and you still can get drunk if you drink too many of them, but you'd have a better chance with them than a Long Island Ice tea.

What a mature question for a new mom... How do I drink all night without getting sloshed? Why get drunk at any level? Somehow I think you have the right idea... just the wrong way of asking. If you want to hang with friends who are big drinkers (not exactly a trait to look up to), drink slowly. Have one drink and make it last. You can always have a refill with soda. It doesn't matter if you drink alcohol.. just have fun. Hopefully you're not a passenger in the car of one of your big drinking friends. If your friends are judging you by how many you can throw down, then you need new friends. I'm willing to bet you have a pleasant enough personality that you can be fun and have fun without counting on booze to make it happen.
OMG!! Someone mentioned long island iced tea. Noooooo! There are several kinds of booze in that one drink. It's made to taste like you're not drinking alcohol.... and the worst thing you can drink. It would be easy to be fooled and forget you are drinking alcohol. Stay away from that!!! Bad advice!

Find a good, organic multivitamin and mineral supplement. The type that says take three per day work best, as you can take one or two, as needed. Take one with a large glass of water before you go out, and one when you return. Dehydration is only part of the problem. You need to replace the nutrients your body uses to process the alcohol.

First, eat a good meal before you go out. Second, there is no reason to get schlooshed on a couple of drinks. I get the feeling you may have a problem with drinking. If thats the case
don't have the first one or you won't be able to control yourself getting schlooshed. One is too many and 10 is not enough.

live above the influence. don't drink at all, and if you do drink don't go be stupid and drive

Eat well, make sure you keep hydrated and, use some sort of stimulant.

Drink as much water as you do alcohol...just go 1 for 1. One drink then water.

As far as mixed drinks...stick with something with a lower alcohol content (vodka, gin) and mix with water or tonic. A simple 'well' G&T Won't have a great deal of alcohol and you can probably drink a few. Make sure to avoid multiple alcohol drinks and shots.

Drink a Virgin Daqurie but don't tell anyone it's a virgin!! Yay!!

drink claushuer from germany
areial vinyards makes a non alchoholic wine, paso robles CA
o doulls
or fufu drinks non alcoholic

eat a big meal a few hours before

have a sexy sex with your boyfriend!

are you new? if you drink, you will get drunk. whatever you are drinking, the less alcohol in it, the less the buzz. just water it down!

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