Will I become an alchoholic?!

Question: Will I become an alchoholic!?
I took a bottle of wine from my mom and drink from it every now and then!. I told a couple of my friends and they continuously keep telling me I'll end up an alcoholic!. I am underage!. Will I if I drink almost every two weeks!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most likely not!. Their just messing with you!. Pretty much everyone tried it, and drinks it from time to time!. Just don't use it because u want to forget your problems or take the edge off of something!. Only use it because you like the taste, not the outcome!. That's when you become an alcoholic!. You like whine!? and your under aged, that's a big surprise though lol!. Its usually an acquired taste!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There is a big difference between craving alcohol because you 'need' it, and really wanting one because you want it!. I find myself really craving a beer some days and drink a few times a week, but it's never more than 3 in a sitting, usually only one!. That is the difference, frequency and the amount consumed!. If you're having a few swigs of wine every few weeks then hats off to you, that is excellent moderation!. At your age drinking frequently might have negative repercussions, so it's good that you limit yourself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

To become an alcoholic you have to have an additive mind to it!. It doesn't happen cause you drink a bottle of wine, if that was the case 99% of americans would be alcoholics!. Just don't get in the habit of drinking all the time and if your underage you shouldn't be drinking now alot of bad stuff happens if you don't know what your doing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Nah, I drink every weekend and if I don't go to any parties on a certain weekend it's not the end of the world!. What would be a problem is if you're drinking alone, because in that case their might be a deeper problem than just drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You need to be careful and not let a substance control you like alcohol or tobacco!. If you are determined enough, no amount of alcohol will ever affect you!. Learn to master it before it masters you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You have almost nothing to worry about it sounds like you are just trying it!. I am 14 and drink almost every weekend as long as you know when to stop you will be fineWww@FoodAQ@Com

This site will enlighten you!.!.!.!. One thing I could tell you is that you must take care of your liver!.


Every 2 weeks is hardly an alcoholic!. Be careful kid!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Uh oh!.!.!. sounds like I might have the same problem!. Red wine is good for you!.!.!. right!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeah in my opinion you will! i suggest you stop now! its not a pretty thing to be into!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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