Does anyone have any ideas for a Lucille Ball birthday cake?!
Does anyone have any ideas for a Lucille Ball birthday cake?
You could do the classic red heart with the words "I love Lucy" across it.
oh me goodness. You have too many ideas to choose from. I like Lucille Ball when she was in the Grape vat squishing grapes to make wine,. can stencil in a scene for her show on to the cake and go with a theme from there...
If you have a picture of Lucille Ball that you like or if you can find one, Wal-Mart can put the picture on your cake for you.
Some good cake stores can take a photo or a print and transfer it to rice paper. So you can take just about any image that you find and get it on a cake.
get a picture of her (from the internet) print it out (make sure its not blury) and have a bakery airbrush it on the cake and have them write "happy birthday from lucille ball" or something like that
They have some kind of cake paper, that you can print a photo and put it on the cake & its completely safe to eat, I don't know what it is called unfortunately. If you have a cake decortating kind of store around call them and ask them about it. Good luck!
What a fun idea!
What about playing up the scene from the chocolate factory?
Turn the oblong cake into a conveyor belt of sorts.
You could use real chocolates to place on it and free style caricatures of Viv and Lucy with their mouths stuffed full of chocolates.
I think that the Vitameatavegamin.....had to be my all time favorite. It was the greatest episode. might want to find some pictures of her modeling career...she was a beautiful model, and have her image transferred to a cake at your local grocery store or bakery. Good Luck
I would go with the original "I Love Lucy" design on the top of the cake but instead of the wording saying "I Love Lucy", I would have it say " I Love (the birthday girls name goes here instead)" I think it would go over REALLY great with the birthday girl.