Do mexicans really drink Corona beer?!

Question: Do mexicans really drink Corona beer!?
Most everyone I know hates that stuff and honestly most Mexicans I know drink Bud!. Or at least Pacifico or Tecate, but I've never seen 'em drinking a Corona!.!.!.!.!.yet Americans relate that 'beer' to all that is Mexican, thanks to a wonderful ad campaign!.!.!.!.I imagine with Cinco De Mayo coming up they will sell tons of this swill!. Just curious to hear your thoughts!.

we do!!!at least in mexico city we do!.true, up in tijuana it is tecate!.also in the usa bud-which is good too- is cheaper!.but we do not have a slice of lime in it!.when we add lime, it is on a michelada-a tall salt rimmed glass with ice,salt,a lot of fresh lime juice and beer-we love sour stuff-!.also in restaurants we get a small metal small bucket set on the table, filled with ice and 2 small coronas-equivalent to a normal sized one-so you can drink it and it will not get warm!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

From what I saw when I was in Vallarta/Boca de Tomatlan last year, yes Mexicans do drink Corona!. But as stated above, they do not seem to be particular about their alcohol!. South of Vallarta, tequila is ubiquitous!.

The thing to remember, from what I was told when I was there, is that the Corona family of beers: Tecate, ***** Modelo, Corona Light, is brewed all in the same place!. As such, it is also one of the largest employers in Mexico!. The beer is everywhere since it is nearly given away!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Iced cold Corona is tasty, sans the lime!.

Yes, some Mexicano's drink Corona!. Not all of them!.
Here Corona cost more than most domestic beers and so it's not uncommon to see the area Mexican's drinking the less expensive domestic beer!.
I suppose if money wasn't an issue they would probably drink almost any of the tasty beers on the market!.

And sorry, I don't think we American's relate Corona to all that is Mexican!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Corona, as I have seen, is a female beer!. I guess it is milder in taste!? I don't see any of my Mexican, or other Hispanic, neighbors drinking it!. They all like BUD and BUD LIGHT!. I only see some women, not Hispanic, drinking Corona!. (Personally, I can't get past the smell of beer to drink any of it!. I am a "good" whiskey drinker myself!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

No they don't and furthermore they don't put lime in anything they drink and laugh at us for doing so!.!.!.

It's only viewed as mexican because of the ridiculous multi-million dollar ad campaigns to make it seem mexican!.!.!.

All the mexican's I know living here in the states don't even drink beer!.!.!. they stick to hard liquor (and a lot of it)!.!.!. tequila (cliche but true), vodka, and rumWww@FoodAQ@Com

every mexican i know,and i know alot, hubby's cuban and most all his amigos are mexicano, yes they deffinatly drink corronaWww@FoodAQ@Com

Interesting!.!.most mexicans i know drink bud light, LOL
I am the one who drinks Corona and I'm white and vietnamese!. Ching-a-ling-ling, LOLWww@FoodAQ@Com

American drink it too!. One of my friend, who is a Canadian, also drank it last time!. Here, they add salt on the bottle too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Corona is cheap but they have better beer in Mexico!. Pacifico and Sol to name two!. Mexicans here in the U!.S!. drink local beer that I know of!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mexicans drink anything!Www@FoodAQ@Com

My mexican vatos drink Modelo with lime and sal't!. Viva my mexicano homies!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

My Mexican friends drink Tecate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

most of the mexicans i know drink ZimaWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, its heaps cheap there too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Nope,, they know what's in it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

YES!. And we love it!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I also no drink thatWww@FoodAQ@Com

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