Why is white zinfandel not respected?!

Question: Why is white zinfandel not respected!?
White zinfandel is the best tasting wine ever!. Why do wine snobs poo poo it so!? Are they just snobby snobs, or do they really know something I do not!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

The problem is that most people will fail to remember that everyone's tastes in what they drink are different!. Some people really enjoy White Zinfandel - I'm not one of them but I also wouldn't put down someone who does!. Those of us who do not like White Zinfandel have simply tried other wines and we prefer them over White Zin!. Personally, for me, although I do not like White Zinfandel, I do like other rose wines!. My favourites tend to be made with Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir or Chambourcin!. I have had a couple of friends who have been a little snobbish about rose wines in general and then I put them through a blind tasting!. They thought they were going to be drinking a red wine based on the colour, they loved what they drank and then I removed the bottle of wine from the bag so they could see the word Rose plastered across the label!. Honestly, you may try the stuff that "wine snobs" enjoy and thoroughly hate it - there's nothing wrong with that!. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be adventurous and try other wines to see if you like them!. If you don't, than at least now, you know you don't!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sure, it's a snobby thing, but so is the whole "I'm not drinking any $%@@ing merlot!" Do I drink it!? No - too sweet and hard to pair with food!. But if you like the sweet stuff and you want a cheap bottle - especially during the summer - knock yourself out!. I prefer Rose which is usually pretty dry, but you still get the fruit and it's a bit more refreshing as far as I'm concerned!. That's the beauty of drinking wine - everyone has to explore their tastes and in the end the only person with the most accurate rating of the wine is not Robert Parker - it's you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you like the wine, then don't listen to anyone's criticism!.
That said, its sort of like Guiness drinkers dumping on Pabst Blue Ribbon or Millwaukee's Best!. White Zinfandel is firstly, a charicature of what Zinfandel is meant to be!. Zin is a big, bold grape!. Turning it into a pink, off-sweet beverage is like painting your Ferrari hot pink and cutting the horsepower in half!. This is meant to be a very inexpensive, easy to drink beverage but it isn't 'serious' wine, as evidenced by the number of housewives and strippers who consume it by the gallon :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am far from having the resources to indulge in the best out there but for Gods sake - Zinfandel - is only good for cooking a desert!. Here's my suggestion for you - as the song says "sell all your property" and buy a ticket to Rome, then go to the south east of Italy and you'll find vineyards that are 2000 years old - and wine that will change your opinion of wine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because they know that white zin is for amatures!. Once you've had great wine you will never go back to that garbage!.

That is a wine you should drink at home!. If you order it out in a restaurant all of the people that know anything about wine are laughing at their tables!. And the servers that are serving you are laughing in the back!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A lot of people don't like it cuz it's sweet, a lot of wine drinkers drink wine for the dryness and aroma!. White Zinfandel doesn't really hold these characteristics!. It's not dry and it's very sweet!. I diggs it! If you like white zinfandel, try reisling, it's a sweeter wine, a little dryer than w!. Zinfandel!. You'll enjoy it! PS Wine rocks!Www@FoodAQ@Com

i totally agree on the choice of wine by far out of all the wine there is to select from that white zinfandel wine is the best there is several years ago i went to a wine tasting with the expencives wines and i thought that zindanfal is in a better class in my opinionWww@FoodAQ@Com

White Zinfandel tastes like boones farm or arbor mist - it's far too sweet!. Most people who seriously drink wine (myself included) enjoy the taste of other flavors and like to pair them with different foods!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What do they know, every time I drink wine with the snobs it's always something way over the expiration date, like from 1969 or something!. It's like bring me something fresh like Mad Dog 20/20!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The snobs have had the best stuff ever!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because it is good and cheap and we drink it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whatever, more for me :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you have to ask it doesn't matterWww@FoodAQ@Com

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