Got a bottle of captian morgans rum. it was in the freezer earlier, do i need to keep it cold ?!?!

Question: Got a bottle of captian morgans rum!. it was in the freezer earlier, do i need to keep it cold !?!!?
I got some captain morgans parrotbay rum - i put it in the freezer to get it cold!. I drank some of it but there is a lot left !! do i need to keep it refrigerated since it has been opend and been in the freezer !?!? or will it be ok left out on the table until im ready drink it again!?!! does it need tobe refrigerated after its been open and been drank!?!?! will it go bad if it sits out at room temperature all nite or until im ready to drink it later!!!

its been a long nite!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love my rum real cold so I keep mine in the freezer but I have another bottle setting out on the table which has been there for 6 months, had some last night even though it was warm it was fine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most people refrigerate schnapps or vodka, but not usually rum!. You could do it, but you don't NEED to do it!. You don't need to refrig schnapps or vodka either, although I will say schnapps isn't much fun at room temp!. Everything else is fine, though!.

It'll be fine at room temp for a long time, and I suspect it won't last that long anyway, right!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

it wont go bad, or effect the taste in any way!. you can take it in and out of the fridge/freezer as much as you like, and just leave it at room temp!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I keep mine is the pantry!.!.!.but put it in the freezer prior to serving!. Never have any!.!.!.!.long enough to worry about it!. Rum doesn't "go bad"Www@FoodAQ@Com

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