What's a good organic beer that's available in markets in the western U.S.?!

Question: What's a good organic beer that's available in markets in the western U!.S!.!?
Reading about all the carcinogenic chemicles they put into regular beer I decided I will try some organic ones!. Maybe they will taste better or not give as bad of a hangover!. Probably being overly optimistic but if anyone has any recommendations let me know!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Organic is much more than the process!. It includes how the ingredients were grown (pesticides, etc!.), waste handling, and plant efficiency!. The USDA accredits certain organizations to certify food and beverage companies as organic!.

As far as breweries actually certified as organic, Wolaver's is probably the easiest to find!. It's also pretty good!.!. Many microbreweries eschew certification as one element might be too hard to actually fulfill or the process is overall too costly, but they generally practice some elements, particularly on carbon emissions as they tend to fulfull local markets!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know!. Somehow I thought all beer was organic!.
I had no idea they added other chemicals than those that were made naturally due to the fermentation!.
I'm drinking a can of Natural Light and it says "all natural ingredients" on the bottle!.
The ingredients label says,
Water, Barley malt, Cereal grains, Yeast, Hops!.
Sounds organic to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


Starting on page 2 this lists a bunch of organic breweries by region!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Look for Wolaver's (as someone stated)-they're brewed in Vermont by Otter Creek, I don't know if they distribute in the West!. also look for Peak Organic!. If you're looking for better tasting beers, try some of the many craft beers available in the US!. Whereas macro beers like Bud, Coors, etc!. are brewed from cheap adjucts like rice & corn, craft brewers use quality ingredients, producing a much better beer!. Some good brewers to look for:

Dogfish Head

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