How much alcohol should I be able to drink without vomiting?!

Question: How much alcohol should I be able to drink without vomiting!?
I drunk a half bottle of vodka and a few beers then i was sick a few hours later i am afraid that i'm a lightweight!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It all depends on your body mate!. It's nothing to do with height or weight though as many people may think - I have a mate who is tiny who can put them away like it's nobodies business!

The amount you drank is quite a lot, and what you need to remember is the strength of vodka!. You may not have been sick from the quantity of alcohol - it may be the mixture of beer and spirits!.

There's no set amount for how much you should be able to drink - but if you're consistently vomiting each time you drink that amount, it's clearly time to chill out a bit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on your weight, muscle to fat ratio and inherent tolerance!.
Half a bottle of vodka and beers is a reasonable amount over a few hours!. That's about 18 standard drinks, which if consumed over one hour would give the average male a BAC of !.30% which is potentially fatal!. It takes 22 standards consumed in an hour to give a BAC of !.40% which is definately fatal!.

Contrary to popular belief drinking that much will not give you any permenant liver damage as long as you give yourself at least a week to recover!. It is the regular use of alcohol that does damage to your liver, that makes sense too!.

However binging can lead to other complications, I sometimes get throat ulcers and intestinal irritation if I have a massive binge (we're talking 25+ standard drinks at least)
Basically it can destroy other organs and it certainly kills brain cells lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on ur size, if ur small then ur gnna be a light weight, me on the other hand im 6foot 7 inches tall so i hav loads of space for alcohol, also it depnds on wot u drink!. lots of beer will make u bloated and sick, lots of wine will hit go straight to ur head!. Vodka or rum and a mixer is always a good thing, in the last 4 weeks i have drank about 100 units!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your capacity to absorb alcohol depends on a few factors - these include the time over which you have had drinks, have you eaten anything during this time, have you had any water during this time and your own body's capacity to withstand alcohol!.

Hope this helps!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lucky you - you want to consume that much liquor and keep it down - you're likely to give yourself alcohol poisoning or destroy your liver or harm yourself in some other way!.

Next time take it slow!. You can't enjoy yourself with that much alcohol in your system anyway!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

probably not enough!. Try sticking with one or the other!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

cool thats the way to goWww@FoodAQ@Com

it all depends on ur size -xWww@FoodAQ@Com

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