Is it legal to drink alchohol at age 19?!

Question: Is it legal to drink alchohol at age 19!?
I heard that it was legal!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not knowing where you live it's hard to answer that!. I live in the US where the drinking age is 21!.

Go to the International Center for Alcohol Policies and they have a list of all the countries in the world and their respective legal ages for drinking alcohol:

Yes and no!. As I'm sure you know in the United States we have federal and state laws!. The federally mandated age for alcohol consumption is 18, however the federal government basically forced each state to enact laws which raised the minimum age to 21 by threatening to withhold federal funding for roads, highways and etc (National minimum drinking age act of 1984)!. This means if one were to venture to an area within the untied states which isn't within a state, they can legally drink at 18!. It sounds like an oxymoron to be in the United States without being in a state but these places do exist: Puerto Rico, U!.S!. Virgin Islands, Guam, any Military base, some bodies of water (the Mississippi river)!. Additionally many states have loophole laws, such as Georgia, where any minor can consume alcohol so long as they consume it at their legal residence and in the presence of a guardian!. So you see the answer to your question really is!.!.!. it depends, but in most circumstances it is not legal to drink in the United States unless your are 21 years old or older!. :(

-Note: Contrary to what another user has posted; it is illegal for a minor to be drunk (unless in the presence of a guardian at home and even then only in select jurisdictions)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you're in the U!.S!.:

It's illegal to purchase, possess, and consume alcohol if you're under 21!.

However, it's not illegal to BE DRUNK at any age **(assuming you aren't causing a scene or disturbing the peace, or acting too disorderly, or driving, etc!., in which case the "being drunk" part becomes illegal)!.

If you are drunk and underage, if you don't have alcohol on you and if you're not driving/doing something stupid like getting into fights, then you're not breaking any law!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

actually, there are many states, where you dont have to be 21 to drink!. many states its legal to drink in your home underage, if permitted by parents, and are in there supervision!. so, you gotta have cool parents!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No,not here in the states but,that's the fun of it!.lol
I'm 19 and when it's legal that's when I'll probably stop!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What country are you from!?

In the USA, it is not legal to drink until age 21!

A long time ago the drinking age was as low as 18, but quickly changed back ti 21!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Where!? It's legal almost everywhere but the US, and in most US states it's legal if you're on private property with parental permission (i!.e!. in your house!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not in the US!. But it is legal in some other countries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on where you are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

in canada yes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Nope, it's 21 out in the real worldWww@FoodAQ@Com

no legal drinking age is 21Www@FoodAQ@Com

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