Worst/Funniest situation you've been in because of alcohol/drugs?!

Question: Worst/Funniest situation you've been in because of alcohol/drugs!?
Worst/funniest thing that has happened to you either under the influence or when you've woken up!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

my girfriend was drunk and went to the bathroom to take a dump, i heard a crash and went in to find her on the floor knocked out with a piece of toilet paper dangling from her as!!.!.!.true story and i have the pictures to prove itWww@FoodAQ@Com

I woke up in a flowerbed one morning whilst people were going about their daily business; that was quite funny!. I tried to cycle home once when i was very drunk!. I think the longest I stayed on my bike was about 30 seconds, and i woke up the next morning covered in bruises and cuts!. I once had 9 pints of diesal (half pint lager, half cider and black curent) along with numouors spirtis, and woke up the next morning to find my dog licking the purple coloured vomit off my duvet cover!. Thankfully I've grown up a bit now and don't drink that much anymore!. I've never done drugs in my life and don't want to!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

like an idiot i decided to have a get together with some friends the night before i was going wedding dress shopping! i literally got 15 minutes of sleep before my cousin (who had also come over) and i had to leave!. we were both still drunk when we showed up! and to make matters oh so much better i was sweating out liquor all day and i'm sure every dress i tried on stunk like booze after me!

i have a ton of good stories involving nudity and steaking but i don't want to get reported :-)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I smoked too much pot for some reason it made me want to throw up!. Anyway my boyfriend at the time suddenly got called to work, at a library!. So I went with him and then I felt like throwing up so I threw up on the floor in the stacks of books! Luckily I didnt get the books dirty!.
There were lots of funny situations when I was doing something hallucinogenic, but if I told the story it just wouldnt be as funny!. I guess you had to be there!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many Many!.!.!.!.!.years ago!.!.!.a friend of mine took acid!.!.!.all well and good !.!.!.!.until!.!.!.he decided to climb a 12 foot wall!.!.!.and fell off breaking his arm !.!.!.!.!.badly!.!.!.in his state he just sat there laughting at the angle of the broken limb!.!.!.as due to our state!.!.!.the deadly weed!.!.!.!. thought also it was funny!.!.!.!.thank god that guy who`s wall it was phoned for an amblance!.!.!.as none of were able to do anything
Lets say it put me off drugs after!.!.!.!.!.that!.!.!.in way it was funny and serious to some extentWww@FoodAQ@Com

Can't believe I'm admitting this:

I was beligerent drunk!. Passed out in the backseat, had to pee, NOW!. For whatever reasons, my stupid friends wouldn't let me inside, so I peed in my front yard!.

So, there I am, stooped down, pants around my ankles, for all the world to see when I pass out again, face forward, into the leaves!. So NOW, my bare butt is up in the air like a full moon and my friends can't regain their composure long enough to help me!

So, there I was, like an obscene statue, in my own front yard!. Nice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dont drink, never done evil drugs!. but i really hate people who do either one or both! coz my uncle was killed in a road accident 2 years ago by a stupid dumb f**king fat moron who was sooo damn high on drugs and under influence of alcohol! R!.I!.P uncle J :(Www@FoodAQ@Com

Was attending a wedding, going thru the receiving line and congratulating the bride when she said to me, "Are you the girl that passed out on my lawn!?" I have no recollection of it whatsoever!. I was mortified!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I went to bed a 2 with a 10 and I woke up at 10 with a 2 :PWww@FoodAQ@Com

spending whole paycheck on drugs, major debt, loss of trust from family

thank god that phase is OVER!Www@FoodAQ@Com

DUI, loss of my job, and a loss of my sanity!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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