How many beers do you drink in a day?!

Question: How many beers do you drink in a day!?
I always wonder that myself when I wake up the next day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Usually it's not in the daytime (unless its 4th of july and im grilling out hehe) and it's not every day, but when I do drink, I suppose I drink about 2-10, 2 or 3 being if im just out with friends, and 10 being if it's a wedding, or new years, LOL Something thats maybe every few months or more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is every man or womans right to imbibe in a few beers each day without being told by Government money-grubbers that they are putting up the alcohol tax by 300% to stop underage binge drinkers!. That is what is being instigated in Australia at the moment under pressure from the so-called do-gooders who think the young will no longer be able to afford alcohol, especially the ready-to-drink mixers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I average a case of 12 oz bottles of beer a day!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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