So im diabetic, if i wanted to have a drink. bacardi superior cuz it has o carbs o sugar?!

Question: So im diabetic, if i wanted to have a drink!. bacardi superior cuz it has o carbs o sugar!?
One thing you have to keep in mind is when the body breaks down the alcohol in a drink it converts it to glucose (sugar) which can raise your blood sugar level!. Drinking a little is no problem, you just have to take the normal precautions but drinking an excess of alcohol will spike your blood sugar and combined with drunkenness is not a good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I only drink alcohol twice a year, and I stay off of my medication for 30 hours before doing so!. Plus, I only drink a bit for enjoyment, I do not really drink a lot!.

I usually drink a bottle of Yago Sant Gria at the annual Jazz Festival here in Iowa City, and for New Years, I have rum in egg nogg!. That's it!. I do not drink beer or Guinness any more, alas, because of my diabetes!

You did not say whether you are on medication!. Alcohol will turn many medications into poison, so you want to know what you are doing!. I get my medication free through the Department of Veterans Affairs, and they ALWAYS include a print-out on all of the properties of each medication as well as the things we cannot eat!. For instance, for a short time I took a substitute for Viagra, and the VA material said I could not eat GRAPEFRUIT, and I love grapefruit and Ruby Red!

I've never heard of an alcoholic drink that did not have a "sugar" content! It's not sugar like table sugar, but it creates glucose never-the-less!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Your best bet is to talk with your doctor about it!. My husband is diabetic, and if he decides he's going to have a drink (usually a B&B) he doesn't take his medication for the evening!. Alcohol and medications (any medication) are usually a very bad mix!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just make sure you have your medical ID on, and tell your drinking buddies!. It would really blow to have an insulin attack while out clubbing and have people think your just drunk!.

BTW: I'd have a talk with your doctor about this too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's okay for diabetics to enjoy a drink now and then, just watch what you mix it with (no extra sugar)!. I am a diabetic also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

bacardi is rum-RUM IS MADE FROM SUGAR!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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