Jagermeister - Alchohol Content?!

Question: Jagermeister - Alchohol Content!?
how many standard drinks is one shot of jagermeister!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jager is pretty much a just a licqueur!.

the same measurements you would use for any other licqueur is the same!. it only has about 30% alcohol (to my knowledge, I don't have a bottle sitting next to me), which means 1 shot equals one 12 ounce beer or 6 ounces of wine!.

Jager will really only get you ****** up if you drink it straight quickly or take a bunch of Jagerbombs in a short amount of time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jager is 35% alcohol!.

It has a total of 0!.85 standard drinks in a 30ml shot!.

How it compares to other shots seems to also be discussed, however it is closer in alcohol content to a spirit than a liqueur!.

Liqueurs are generally 20%!. Spritis are usually 37%-40%!. So it is almost the same ase a JD etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1!. Jager is 70 proof meaning its 35% content!. Less alcohol than a shot of J!.D which is 40%!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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