Best beer in aus?!

Question: Best beer in aus!?
i want to know everyone's opinion on the best beer they have had it doesn't have to be made in Australia, any beer that is sold in Australia!.

I'm going on and end of year trip with mates and need a good suggestion, that is god price, taste and can drink non-stop!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Please ignore those suggesting Four XXXX and Foster's Larger!. They are the worst Australian beers that we sell to foreign markets because no one here with any sense of taste will drink them!.

Personally I like Little Creatures Pale Ale and Little Creatures Bright Ale although they are both a bit pricier than normal and harder to find (both are made in Western Australia)!. For a cheaper and excellent beer alternative, try Coopers Pale Ale and Coopers Sparkling Ale (made in Saouth Australia)!. Both are quite common and are above average when compared to the common Australian beers!.

Carlton Draught (or Draft to the Americans) is good on tap!. VB (Victoria Bitter) isn't so great although it is popular, Melbourne Bitter is better although harder to find!.

FYI: Foster's Lager, Melbourne Bitter, Victoria Bitter and Carlton Draught are all made by CUB (Carlton and United Breweries)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Fosters is not an ale! It is a cheap, force-fermented Pilsener derivative of little value!. Victoria Bitter is the same, even though the word "Bitter" suggests an ale!. Melbourne Bitter has a touch more bite, but as Mustang points out, supply can be an issue locally!. All are CUB beers, as is Carton Draught, the most drinkable of the cheap beers!.

As for Aussie beers, the Holgate brewery near Woodend, Victoria has some good brews, and there are some good small breweries near Beechworth!. Anything in the James Squire range of beers from the Malt Shovel Brewery is also excellent, and many places have one or two on tap!.

As for anything imported: Orval and Achel Trappist ales, Hoegaarden Belgian Witbier is a great hot-weather beer, Badger's Bitter, a British ale with a hint of Peach blossom are all totally worth drinking!. Hoegaarden is probably the most accessible and reasonably priced, but unlikely to be readily available outside main cities!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Firstly, any one who tells you that XXXX Gold is not a good Australian beer has serious problems with taste and revoke the right to be calling themselves an Australian!. VB is another Aussie classic, not my cup-of-tea but each to their own!.
But if you want to get a bit "fancier" you might want to go with something like Cascade!.
All have a good prices (XXXX Gold Stubbies carton is only $30!.00) and are beers that you can drink all day!.

!.!.!.!. Gezz, major down side of being preg!.!.!. I can't wait till I can have a beer again!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like Carlton Draught!. but only on tap!. the bottled stuff is not so great!. carlton cold is good in the bottles though!. you can drink that all you wantWww@FoodAQ@Com

I like Foster's in the giant can, but I think that is officially an ale!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Coopers Sparkling Ale!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

VB and Carlton DraughtWww@FoodAQ@Com


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