Why do you get hangovers?!

Question: Why do you get hangovers!?
What causes hangovers!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hangovers are due to lack of water in your system!. Alcohol sucks it all up pretty much, which is also why you get cottonmouth!.

It makes you hungry and really thirsty the next day!. Try drinking a little water with whatever you're drinking, and you won't feel as bad the next morning!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In my experiance i can tell you this!. Hangovers do actually begin as soon as the buzz or drunkiness wears off!. it happens for a number of things like: how much you have had to eat, and how much water you have had!. How much you had to drink affects how bad ur hangover is gonna be!. also your body is actually having immediate withdrawls from alcohol!. But, mainly the metabolites, nutrients, minerals and others the alcohol demininshed from your body while drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Simply - dehydration!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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