Can ketamine help you through a hangover?!

Question: Can ketamine help you through a hangover!?
Seriously!. I become sick and terribly hungover the next day after drinking 3 lite beers!!! Would the anaesthetic effects of ketamine be preferable than a hangover!? Please don't give me the (boring) typical response of not drinking!. Or suggesting Chaser (a scam)!. I'm deperate for hangover help!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ketamine will only make your hangover worse!. Ketamine has serious side effects that will only make your hangover worse!. Ketamine has side effects like hallucinations, dizziness, headaches, nausea, airway constriction (patients who are prescribed ketamine are usually on a ventilator), your blood pressure and heart rate can begin to go up, and depending on the dosage you can even die from the ketamine!. When ketamine is mixed with alcohol the side effects can become even worse, and it is more likely to lead to death!. I'd suggest finding another solution for your hangovers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't mean to sound preachy, but taking Tylenol while your drinking or before you go to bed (while still drunk) is really bad for your liver!. Not that copious amounts of alcohol is either, but mixing the two not a smart idea!. What I do is drink a big glass of Gatorade (or some equivalent) before bed!. The reason you feel sick the next day is because alcohol dehydrates you, but Gatorade takes care of all of that!Www@FoodAQ@Com

While you are drinking the night before, take some tylenol!. I know that it thins your blood, but it always prevents me from having a hangover the next morning!. And I get hangovers very very bad!. also, drink lots of water!. That's the whole reason you get hangovers, because your body is so dehydrated and your head is hurting from lack of water in the body!. But seriously, try the tylenol thing!. It always works for me!.

And I"m sorry but why would you take ketamine to cure a hangover!? That's like taking crack so you're not tired anymore!. It's pretty stupid!.

*Edit: yeah, i never said the the tylenol thing was healthy for you!. But, HELLO!.!.!.alcohol will kill your liver a lot faster and a lot worse than tylenol will!. And FYI!.!.!.it's a lot better than taking KETAMINE, don't you think!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Um how about don't drink!?! Your body obviously is trying to tell you it doesn't process alcohol!. You need to listen to it because you may end up suffering some serious consequences!. I mean, I drink all the time when I go out but if I was that sensitive to it I would stop!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Are you kidding!? Ketamine (as I'm sure you already know) could help you through your hangover PERMANENTLY!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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