Suggestions for good sessions beers?!

Question: Suggestions for good sessions beers!?
I'll be heading to a party in the near future!.!.!. and I need suggestions for brews to bring!.!.!. I don't want to hear ANYTHING about Bud, Coors, Miller or the like (and god help the person who suggests Corona)

I'm looking for good warm-weather session beers!. I'm thinking I will probably bring 4-5 six packs!.!.!. So I need a few good ideas!.!.!.

I was thinking maybe a pack of Stone Pale Ale, maybe some Sam Summer Ale, its gonna be too hot for something like Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout so preferably lighter Ales!.!.!.


Hey Scotty-
I've totally been thinking about this lately with the warm weather & BBQ's already starting!. All the beers I love have like 8% abv or more!.!.!.not good when you're having like 5 or 6 at a party!.

I picked up a sixer of Troegs Sunshine Pils for a party on Friday!.!.!.!.definitely a good summer beer!. It's really light and crisp!.

Stone's Pale Ale is a good one!.!.!.their Levitation Amber is another good one with a low abv!.

Otter Creek just came out with a spring Kolsch that someone at the store recommended, but I haven't tried it yet!.

Other decent sessionable beers I've had:

Unibroue's Apple Ephemere
Victory Hop Devil
Magic Hat Hi!.P!.A!.
Dogfish Head 60 Minute
Troegs Dream Weaver Wheat
Victory Prima Pils
Weyerbacher Hops InfusionWww@FoodAQ@Com

Shiner Bock (from Texas)
Negra Modelo (from Mexico)
Lagunitas IPA (from California)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (also from Cali!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try getting the Sam Adams summer ale!.!.!. If you live in the midwest (U!.S!.) get Oberon Ale!. Finding a good one is only a matter of trying them out because there are so many!. I would probably go with Landshark Lager or possibly Blue Moon Summer Ale personally!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

check out some good hefeweizens!. I like franziskaner or erdinger!. A lot of microbreweries will make their own, so look into that as well!. They're good warm weather beers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


cool budWww@FoodAQ@Com


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