My body won't let me drink beer anymore after getting sick one night.?!

Question: My body won't let me drink beer anymore after getting sick one night!.!?
A while back I had a bad night with a lot of throwing up involved!. Now whenever I try to drink pretty much any beer I just can't without it being really hard and making we want to gag or throw it up!. I use to be fine and didn't mind beer at all even enjoyed it!. And now I just can't drink it whatsoever!. It really bugs me!. Has anyone else experienced something like this!. Will it go away!? Is there anything I can do to heal myself or make it better!? Thankyou!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This is partially an instinctual reaction!. This can happen with ANY food/drink!. (I cannot eat ham and cheese together anymore after getting food poisoning off a ham/cheese omelette, for example!. It's been almost 20 years and I still can't even think about it too long!.) Your body relates the flavor of beer to poison, so it reacts to 'protect' you!.

My best suggestion is to take it slow!. Get a light beer (by light I mean weight, like a pale ale style or Amber Bock, etc) and take a few sips!. Otherwise, I would try a type of beer/ale/lager that you had not consumed during your vomitting incident!. It may be a good way to 'wean' your body back into understanding that it is not a poison!.

You may be out of luck, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i experienced that too!.!.!.i stopped drinking beer for a month but when i came back it's hard for me to swallow it!.!.it's like I'm throwing it up!.!.!.yeah it goes away!. what i did is i drink again (consistently) then the throw up thing disappears or let's just say I'm used to it againWww@FoodAQ@Com

that happend to me after drinking tequila!.!.!. i think its a mind over matter thing, and you just have to try and forget about it!. Try having a little bot of beer every now and then, without going overboard so your body knows it can handle it again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This happened to me two years ago this weekend with margaritas, and I still have not touched tequilla since then!. Even the smell makes me sick!.

Good luck with that!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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