What kind of alclohol is the strongest?!

Question: What kind of alclohol is the strongest!?
I know its a RANDOM question but Im curious!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Everclear 190 proof (95% alcohol) !.!. I discourage drinking it as a shot, even though I have done so myself!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


World's strongest beer
A brewery in the States has launched the world's strongest beer!.
The drink - at 25% alcohol - is six times more powerful than a normal beer and twice the strength of a bottle of wine!.
And at £56 a bottle, Samuel Adams Utopias is also among the world's most expensive!.
Just 8,000 of the limited edition 24 oz tipple, sold in a copper kettle, have been brewed by the Boston Beer Company!.

absinthe is the strongest alcohol overallWww@FoodAQ@Com

Rubbing Alcohol is 100 percent proof so if you're 100 percent stupid to drink it then that is as pure as you can get!. Fyi!.!.!. consumption comes with gastric disturbances that equate to birthing an alien and possible alcohol poisoning which can lead to irreversible brain damage!. ENJOY!

(everclear is a def 2nd place winner)Www@FoodAQ@Com

spirytus rektyfikowany

It's about 96% alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If I had to guess I'd say either Everclear which is 95% alcohol by volume or Absinth, which causes hallucinations!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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